Chondra M (9 Aug 2020)
"Horses Riding, started 2020? A Thought."

Tossing this out and no, it’s not traditional thinking at all.
Just something I’ve been pondering if God/Jesus wants us to know how close His coming really is.
If, if, if this were correct, the seals are being opened FAST.

Picture white horse riding, tapping the red horse (riding together), tapping black horse all riding together, keeping their mayhem succinct with one another…

*1st white horse: Has a crown w/bow w/no arrow to conquer the world:
Corona in Latin means Crown; virus shut down (conquered) *the entire world* in days.

White Horse still riding~~~taps red horse

*2nd red horse: Has a great sword to take peace and safety:
Virus took everyone’s peace (of mind) and safety (economics) and to kill (people are dying, even if it's selective:nursing homes).

Two horses riding together, taps the third, black horse.

*3rd Black horse: A days wage for a loaf of bread: No food, farms reducing crops back to the ground, cattle/pigs/chickens put to death because of processing plants shutting down WORLD WIDE and locust plagues across many continents.

Three horses riding about to tap the fourth horse

*4th Pale horse (all horses are riding together now): Death and (Gates of) Hell, gathers 1/4 of the earth to go out and kill by: famine, sword, pestilence, beasts of the earth.
* BLM, AntiFa, Muslim Brotherhood, Democrats, IMF, WEF, globalist, CFR (their cabal lords-UN) are the army of 1/4 who are going out destroying, killing the entire western cultures (and world).

Just a thought- to get outside the box. Nothing is as we were taught for decades…we shouldn’t be here according to old/past eschatology.
(yes, still pre-trib)