"Pastor Dana's October Dream And The Hebrew Calendar"Hello John and Doves,
Pastor Dana's recent dream for October is very interesting. Here is the link:https://www.youtube.com/embed/l_LpOSgqsaY
God's Latest Warning About October - Pastor Dana Coverstone - YouTubeJust to highlight a few things:The 'finger' pointed to the 2nd week of October and then dragged through the 2nd and 3rd weeks of October...drawing attention to these two weeks.I looked at the month of October on the chabad.org calendar; for the 2nd week - I am going to assume Pastor Dana is talking about full weeks - so the 2nd full week is October 11 or 23 Tishrei - Simchat Torah - the day following The 8th Day (Shemini Atzeret); October 18 is the start of week 3 on the calendar - this ends the month of Tishrei and starts the month of Cheshvan.The 2nd and 3rd weeks of October go from October 11 to October 24 or 23 Tishrei to 6 Cheshvan. (Sunday to Saturday two weeks later.)Simchat Torah: Is the Joy of the Torah. It marks the end of the cycle of Torah readings and the beginning of a new cycle. The end of Deuteronomy and the beginning of Genesis are read on this day. It comes from the root word "siyum" which mean "termination".Is is interesting that on Simchat Torah, "We pray that we will be able to celebrate this siyum "next time". At every Siyum HaShas the hadran halach provokes even greater fear and trembling. Will we - will I - still be here seven years hence? "https://www.ou.org/holidays/simchat-torah-the-knock-upon-the-door/
Simchat Torah: The Knock Upon the Door - Jewish Holidays
"Hadran alach" means "I shall return to you".Reminds me of Jesus saying He goes to prepare a place for us. "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also." John 14:3Simcha or siyum ("termination) is a "celebration observed when we reach a worthy moment of completion.." ..."a celebration before the "journey" is once again picked up and continued...For the journey, life..must be continued. It goes on." https://matzav.com/the-knock-upon-the-door-simchas-torah/
The Knock Upon the Door: Simchas Torah | Matzav.com
Reminds me of Jesus telling us to pray to be worthy to escape these things that are coming upon the earth. "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man." Luke 21:36Cheshvan: It is the 8th month on the Biblical calendar. The Jews commemorate this month for the Great Flood starting on the 17th of Cheshvan. And King Solomon completed the first Temple during this month. It is also called "Mar-Cheshvan". Mar means 'bitter", "angry", "chafed" - this month contains no festive days so this makes it 'bitter'.The theme of the eighth month is one of renewal - ending the old life and starting a new life.Cheshvan is spelled with the Hebrew letters chet, shin, vav, nun.Chet is a picture of a fence; meaning to separate, encloseShin is the picture of teeth: meaning to destroy or consumeVav is the picture of a nail; meaning to attach, secure, addNun is the picture of a fish; meaning life, activity, quickeningThe mystery of the word Cheshvan is: "Destruction is separated and new life is secured." We could see this as: In the month of Cheshvan, we secure a new life leaving destruction/death behind us.In a previous letter to Doves, I wrote about Shemini Atzeret - it is The 8th Day - and it is always eight days before the eighth month of Cheshvan. "The number 8 in the Bible represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man's true 'born again' event when he is resurrected into eternal life....Eight is the number of Jesus, whose name in Greek adds up to 888." https://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/8.html
Meaning of the Number 8 in the Bible
Eight in Strong's Hebrew means "destruction".Before the month of Tishrei ends, the Torah reading is about The Creation in Genesis. At the beginning of the month of Cheshvan, the Torah reading is Genesis 7: "And the Lord said to Noah, "Come into the ark, you and all your household, for it is you that I have seen as a righteous man before Me in this generation....For in another seven days, I will make it rain upon the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will blot out all beings that I have made, off the face of the earth....In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on this day, all the springs of the great deep were split and the windows of the heavens opened up...." The Great Flood began on the 17th of Cheshvan.17 Cheshvan is November 4 - beginning sunset November 3. Elections in the U.S. are scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020.In the 2nd week of October, Pastor Dana saw wicks in the heads of certain people (federally elected officials, agency leaders, governors, radicals) and these were lit on fire - these people went from calm, normal to yelling, screaming, then red faced to "an absolute out of your mind primal scream"....then their heads exploded at the same time - "these people were still alive, but their heads had blown up." This started fires around them. The protests got more violent - assaulting other protesters that weren't as violent as 'they should be'. He saw elderly people being attacked by these violent protesters - even going to nursing homes/facilities to attack older people .He saw what looked like the 'dollar' loosing 2/3 of its value. He mentions 'the death of the dollar'.After this, Pastor Dana saw 'puffed up' ministers - those of the prosperity ministries, and their words are cut off, their ministries are ended.His dream continues on to people voting for the elections in November - where people were being prevented from voting. After the 'puffed up' ministers, he saw clowns in suits that were preventing people from voting by pouring buckets of grease and oil in front of election venues - people were slipping past the doors to the venues. Their clown skits were sinister and abusive. Doing everything they could to keep people from voting. He said this occurred days, weeks before the voting date.States allow voting for the general elections two or three weeks before the final election day. For example, Florida allows early voting starting October 19. Tennessee starts early voting on October 14. This fits with Pastor Dana's 2nd and 3rd weeks of October.October 31 - then the finger went to October 31 - it tapped 31 and held it. He saw a rock come flying out of the sky and landed in a large pond causing ripples that grew in size. October 31 is Halloween. It is also 13 Cheshvan.This may have nothing to do with an asteroid/meteor...just that something bad happens that leads us into the month of November...starting on October 31.I didn't see any NEOs on the list by NASA. However, "The greatest night sky even in October is undoubtedly the Orionids meteor shower, which is expected to peak on October 21st this year. While the meteor shower occurs from October 16 to 30th, there may be up to 25 meteors per hour on the peak night." https://spacetourismguide.com/night-sky-2020/
The Top 20 Astronomical Events in the Night Sky in 2020 ⋆ STGAt the end of his dream, after the clowns, he saw a big billboard. It said "Passover 2021. Big things are coming for the world. Big things are coming for the world." Then a white figure appeared and He said "Do not stop bracing for the storm will not pass until I stop the storm. So brace, brace, brace yourselves. And don't look back."Passover Week in 2021 is March 27 - April 4. 14 Nisan/March 27 is the Eve of Passover. 15 Nissan/Passover is March 28, Sunday.What is the 'storm'? It sure sounds like the Tribulation. And is this the 'big things' coming for the world?In Strong's Hebrew, storm is "a tempest" - an instrument of God's wrath."Behold, the tempest of the Lord! Wrath has gone forth, A sweeping tempest: It will rage down on the heads of those who are wicked." Jeremiah 30:23"This is what the Lord of Hosts says: "Behold! Disaster is spreading from nation to nation, And a great storm shall be stirred up from the ends of the earth." Jeremiah 25:32When the figure says "And don't look back." It reminded me of Luke 9:62 Where Jesus said, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God."Only the Lord can end the wrath that is coming upon the earth - this will be at the end of the Tribulation.In Strong's Hebrew, 'brace yourself' means be strong, to be courageous, to strengthen oneself, to withstand."The one who will scatter you is coming to attack you. Guard your fortress! Keep a lookout on the road! Brace yourselves! Prepare for battle! Be very courageous!" Nahum 2:1(This would support the Tribulation starting with Passover and continuing for 3.5 years to the Fall Feasts. There have been numerous letters to Doves concerning a 3.5 year Tribulation.)I appreciate Pastor Dana getting these dreams to the public. I believe they are prophetic.His dreams are so consistent - the calendars, the fingers that point out dates and months, the scenes of people and what is happening to them. There is much detail - most of the time, it's pretty easy to figure out what is going on and how that can apply to our immediate future. These are things that lead me to believe his dreams are indeed prophetic for America.Because Pastor Dana's dream includes Passover 2021, one can expect more dreams? Maybe not for Pastor Dana...especially if the Rapture takes place this Fall. We'll see.I pray for God's protection on Pastor Dana. And for His peace and strength as blessings on him. May the Lord strengthen him as he continues to deal with these dreams and what they bring to his life.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!ChanceAdding to this:What makes me think the Rapture happens around this time on the calendar (the Fall feasts?) is Pastor Dana saw only small groups of people praying - they were in the heat of the battle, fighting to stay faithful - they were being encouraged to pray, believe, fighting to stay faithful. Relentless attacks against them. They remained faithful. "They were very few in numbers." Behind each of these people praying he saw a small gate...reminded him of Matthew 7:13,14. "They never stood up, even though they walked through that gate, they were right there beside it." This is how I picture new Christian converts living after the Rapture - praying in small groups - continual attacks - physically and spiritually.In his September dream, he has a great number of people praying across the entire United States. In October, it's 'very few in number'.His dream goes back to these people praying after the 'puffed up' ministries are exposed. These ministers would be exposed after the Rapture - not before. The act of the Rapture itself would expose their lies and corruption. I can't see this happening before the Rapture. Just a thought.His reference to churches and ministers in the month of November (his November dream), I believe, is a picture of the tribulation that the new ministers/believers will endure.As for the dollar loosing 2/3 of it's value - this would be devastating to the U.S. and around the world. This would lead to massive hyperinflation. .Just out of curiosity I googled 'collapse of the dollar' and found this:"What Would USD Collapse Mean For The World?https://www.munknee.com/what-a-usd-collapse-would-mean-for-the-world/
What Would USD Collapse Mean for the World? (+21K Views) - munKNEE.com
"Were the USD to actually collapse..the entire structure of the world economy would collapse for a period of time...and go through cataclysms politically during that period. That usually leads to massive wars, starvation and mass homelessness around the world.""What Would Happen In A USD Collapse?"1. The U.S. and Western economies would all face insolvency simultaneiously...2. The entire Western industrial/consumer/credit economy would fall apart...The supply chain would stop and stores would empty quickly.3. The USD would fall over 50% in one week's time and then temporarily stabilize before its final last gasp...4. Worldwide currency panic would set in paralyzing what's left of the world economy which means the 'emerging markets' would stop dead too.5. China would have a revolution, or go into military mode, which would be even worse.6. A one-world currency would be demanded - and implemented.7. Asia would fare horribly...If Western consumerism goes away, then the entire foundation of the Asia macro economy would instantly crash and stop cold....The collapse of the dollar would start the demand for a one-world currency.