Chance (23 Aug 2020)
"The Deception Of COVID-19"


Hello John and Doves,
There is so much conflicting information out there about COVID-19.
Look at the sources:  WHO, Dr. Fauci, CDC, Bill Gates - they are all on the same page.  Keep the schools closed, everyone wears a mask, and everyone gets a vaccine,
Information that gets out to the public, IF IT'S NOT FROM WHO, is considered inaccurate, misleading, harmful, fake news, outright lies.
Then you look at physicians that are actually treating the COVID-19 patients. They are reporting this as 'nothing worse than a bad flu'.  And they are shocked at the response by the NIH/CDC health officials, WHO, the federal government, the state governments, etc.
If you look at the data coming out of Canada - this chart 'as of August 5, 2020', supports this.

 This year a group of over 500 German doctors and scientists from a whole slew of backgrounds - economists, legal experts, social workers, physicians, research Ph.D.s, etc., got together and pooled their experience/knowledge on coronavirus, flu, COVID-19, epidemics, econimics, etc. and are questioning the WHO's response to COVID-19, their government's response to COVID-19.  They formed a group called "Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee'.
They reported that there is no scientific data to ban necessary operations, to postpone needed surgeries, and the lockdowns and the requirement to wear masks should be stopped immediately!  They do not know if what has been done and is being done because of COVID-19 is intentional or based on ignorance.
They concluded that they/and the public "receive out-of-context numbers, numbers that are only capable of fueling fear by simply adding up cases of illness and not showing that there is a mismatch between the number of people tested and those actually infected....And the only thing we hear from the government is the constant call for a vaccination for a disease that we know very well - through many international studies- that it is very comparable to flu diseases, that the death rates are no higher than during strong flu waves and the measures cannot be justified.  It is a terrifying ignorance where recognized international studies and experts from all fields - virologists, bacteriologists, epidemiologists, or economists - are simply not heard or ignored.  Even worse, they are called liars, charlatans, or conspiracy theorists, which is likely to be the non-word of the year 2020."
"Instead, the government promotes a vaccination that can be highly dangerous, a vaccination without medical necessity for lack of evidence.  There is not even a sufficient number of people in Germany getting sick to be tested for a vaccine.  Plus, it is a new form of vaccination, a so-called RNA vaccination, which, unlike previous vaccinations, is able to change the genetic code and cause undeniable damage to people.  In this context, we also remember the medical principle "do no harm"....."
"...democracy is being restricted, the press is no longer a free press, but you get the feeling that there is propaganda going on, when foreign opinions are censored, deleted, then you have to take to the have to inform the public, as we do with a Corona Inquiry committee.  Because, or course, there is always the risk that power corrupts and that, at some point, politicians stop seeing things with the right measure and aim."
One committee member reported:  "I started seeing a risk of losing democracy, and every day I see more and more efforts to turn our free and democratic constitutional system into a surveillance state, with mind control, surveillance apps and the like, under the guise of infection protection laws."
Another speaker for this committee - a specialist in microbiology, virology and infection epidemiology said, "Some people will now wonder what I mean by "unobjective, unprofessional approach" (to COVID-19).  What I mean by this includes that basically ongoing sketching of worst case scenarios, fear-mongering, and creation of inappropriate comparisons, also in the media.  Inappropriate, eye-catching depictions of threatening trends, which in practice never materialized, and with proper assessment from the start, given the quality of the health care system in Germany, could never have occurred in this way.  But I'm also a trained general practitioner, and, above all as a doctor, I could no longer tolerate this approach contemptuous to health and human beings, as it is in stark contract to the professional understanding and ethics of all of us."
"This permanent fear or panic mongering, the resulting psychological and social damage to be expected, the gigantic medical and economic collateral damage, and last but not least, the massive interventions in all our cultural lives and cohabitation, are in my opinion reason and motivation enough to stand up and fight this insanity."
In their report, they wrote that it "should become visible for all,....that measurement figures, such as the doubling rate and this dreadful number "RO", had the primary purpose of creating fear and putting pressure on the population, and were communicated in an unobjective and manipulative way for lack of reference to the number of tests carried out; that false and untrustworthy fatality figures have been misused for intimidation purposes; that the number of cases was already significantly declining well before the lockdown; that a general mask-wearing obligation ordered 4 weeks later, I repeat 4 weeks later, was factually unfounded, unlawful and psycho-socially irresponsible; that the incorrigible sticking to measures and already refuted statement, i.e. against better knowledge and proven evidence, is a criminal offence in this context...." (more at the link)
American doctors have spoken out individually and in groups also - their youtube videos have been censored/removed; the doctors have been declared 'reckless and wrong'.  Their voices have often been silenced.  These front-line doctors dispute the findings and information on treatments coming out of NIH, CDC, WHO.
Prof. John Ioannidis, Stanford University Medicine and Epidemiology, is "one of many scientists around the world, and one of several from Stanford University, who have been telling the world that the new coronavirus, so far according to the data, is not as dangerous as it's being made out to be by mainstream media."
COVID-19: “For People Younger Than 45, The Infection Fatality Rate is Almost 0%” – Stanford Professor – Collective Evolution
A study led by Stanford University found the infection rate was '50 - 85 times higher' than reported - this would put the death rate very much lower than reported to as low as 0.12% - not the 3 - 4% claimed by WHO.
"Senator Dr. Scott Jensen of Minnesota came out to expose how the AMA is encouraging American doctors to overcount coronavirus deaths across the US...."  The AMA has put out a document 'coaching' "a doctor to fill out death certificates with COVID-19 diagnosis without a lab test to confirm the patient actually had the virus...The numbers will then be used to justify keeping the money flowing to misrepresent this as an epidemic.  This fraud will then come back to justify keeping the economy locked down longer and the AMA is now contributing to the destruction of everyone's livelihood, pension.....What the AMA is encouraging is FRAUD...."
The COVID-19 Fraud – It's Massive | Armstrong Economics
One has to ask then, what is the purpose of this deception and fear-mongering? Why are so many experts being censored?  Why is so much coming out that is the opposite of what WHO, state health departments, etc are telling us? Why are proven treatments being banned and lied about?  Why are churches in certain states getting the brunt of the quarantines?  Why are some states being 'hit harder' by COVID-19 than other states?
I think a big part of the answer is 'control'.  Control of the people.  We are being set up for the One World Government.
We are being told that a COVID-19 vaccine will not be made mandatory, but..."COVID-19 vaccines could become mandatory.  Here's how it might work.  This is the future as some experts see it:  a world in which you'll need to show you've been inoculated against the novel coronavirus to attend a sports game, get a manicure, got to work, or hop on a train....When a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, some experts think states will require targeted industries to enforce vaccine mandates for their employees, especially those we've come to know as "essential workers"....Hospitality industry workers - those who work in restaurants, bars, and coffee shops, for example - could also see similar mandates...Even the general public could be incentivized to get vaccinated.  "Oddly enough, the best way to impose a mandate is to reward people with more freedom if they follow that mandate....For example, with proof of inoculation, you would be able to attend a sporting event as a reward for doing the right thing....And I can imagine people saying, If you want to go to my restaurant, my bowling alley, or my tattoo parlor, then I want to see a vaccine certificate, too." 
To make various appointments could require proof of vaccination.  And a COVID-19 vaccine could require FREQUENT booster mandates would also include proof of booster shots.
Passports, driver's license, employee badges could all be ways of presenting vaccine proof with specific emblems/stickers.
COVID-19 vaccines could become mandatory. Here’s how it might work.
"Two pharmaceutical giants, Pfizer and Moderna, are in the final phase of coronavirus vaccine development and Oxford University is expected to start large-scale human trials of its vaccine in the U.S. this month."
Inside the "very cautious" U.S. human trial of a COVID-19 vaccine - CBS News
Russia has already approved a vaccine for human use - but without the phase-3 human trials.  China has done the same - without the phase-3 human trials - (to be administered only to soldiers of the People's Liberation Army) So these vaccines have not been proven to be safe or effective in humans...yet they are to be given to their citizens
Coronavirus vaccine update:  More than 160 vaccine candidates are in pre-clinical or clinical trials; 29 are in clinical trials.  Six are in the final stages or phase-III of human trials.  At least eight candidates vaccines are being developed in India.  .
Coronavirus vaccine tracker, August 21: Russia will test Sputnik-V on 40,000 people; J&J announces largest human trials vaccine tracker, August 18: China, Russia joint trials; Novavax phase-2 trials | Explained News,The Indian Express
One has to ask then, if this virus isn't much worse than a bad flu, why are they pushing so hard for a vaccine?  Especially since we've been told from the beginning, starting with Fauci, that a vaccine probably won't work.  And that it would take years to come up with a working vaccine.  And there has never been a working coronavirus vaccine.  And a human DNA/RNA vaccine has never been given to the public.  Why then are they skipping steps, minimizing human testing and rushing through a COVID-19 vaccine?
THEY keep telling us a second wave is coming this Fall - there wasn't one with SARS, MERS - two other coronaviruses.  Why are they so sure with this one?  And why are Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates talking about Pandemic #2 with a far worse coronavirus in our future?
Along with their One World Government is a need for population control - i.e. a substantial decrease in the population.  Bill Gates on his Gates TV program said one way to reach their goal is through vaccines.  Much,much more at the link:
Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates' Vaccine Dictatorship Plan - cites Gates' twisted 'Messiah Complex' - Fort Russ
The COVID-19 pandemic has definitely been used (if not actually created!) by the globalists - allowing them to continue on with their agenda for control.  
Something wicked this way comes.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
