A Goodrick (9 Aug 2020)

John and Doves,
If you've been keeping up on the reporting of the voodoo vaccines and their rush to Depopulate the planet, then you begin to realize what a curse those
Voodoo Vaccines are to all of us.

Proverbs 26: 2 says,
"An undeserved curse has NO EFFECT. It's intended victim will be no more harmed by it than by a sparrow or a swallow flitting through the air."
(The Living Bible)

There you have it. That's God's final verdict on the matter.

And to reinforce His verdict is Psalm 91:10
(Protestant Bible)...Psalm 90:10 ( Catholic Bible).
"There shall NO EVIL befall thee, nor any plague come near thy dwelling place"

I always ask for the Blood Covering of Jesus each morning to protect me from all demonic activity...from all evil.
" Song: There is power in the Blood, wonder working power in the precious Blood of the Lord."

Demons will not penetrate that special Blood barrier.

I asked my Doctor about these coming voodoo vaccines and he said that there is no way thay can mandate a vaccine. You have the right to refuse.

If ID2020 (Bill Gates)
allows the Medical-Military to invade
homes to administer
that voodoo vaccine abomination, just refuse;  and having done all, keep your stand.
Ephesians 6 : 11-13

Yes, they are rushing to get this decimation going.
Note the frenzy in the name of their plan:
"Operation Warp Speed".
"Warp Speed" means "crash through any and all Red Lights on this highway to death (dead end). "

It means, 
"Ready or not, we're coming. 
Safety trials or not, we're coming.
We're throwing all caution to the winds. 
The deader, the better."

Have we researched or listened to the videos by highly respected doctors who greatly warn of the
 R N A
Injection? These experts know what they are talking about.

The Bible clearly warns us against rushing:
Proverbs 19 :2 ...
"It is dangerous and sinful to rush into the unknown"  TLB) .

We are not to fear. 
"God has not given us a spirit of fear, 
but of power, love, and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7

And God commands us to be anxious for nothing...
Philippians 4:6.

Brothers and Sisters, our Lord is coming for us soon. Let us rejoice in that fact.
Let us persevere in prayer.
Romans 12:12
Come quickly Lord Jesus.
We need you!