A Goodrick (9 Aug 2020)
"What is COVIDPASS?"

John and Doves,
Starting in SEPTEMBER,
( a couple of weeks from now)
those who wish to travel or go to any entertainment venues will be checked (by cell phone app) to see if they test negative for the corona viris. They will be tested at point of entry.

If they test negative they may enter, if they test positive they are excluded 
"Access denied".

If they test Positive, they need to self-quarantine for 14 days.

Will this checking for positive/negative  expand to other places, like grocery stores or banks ?

N Y C is dealing with checkpoints of this nature even now.
There is a $2000 fine for resisting the checking, and a $10,000 fine for not self- quarantining if one registers Positive.

What happened to beautiful America?
What happened to freedom?

If freedoms flee, can the Mark be far behind ?