1 Cor 10:31 (2 Aug 2020)
"*** And he will think to change times and the laws!!!!! ***"

By 1 Cor 10:31


Hey all….

Again, “just saying” here!!  😉   I know MOST are probably all aboard w/our current U.S. Pres.  And believe it or not…. I DO pray for him!  As we are instructed to pray for our leaders.  However, I can’t help noticing things!


And like I say:  JUST SAYING…. As he may be or may not become the AC {stands for “AntiChrist”}!!  But….  IF he does turn out to be the A.C. spoken of in the Bible – and that’s his destiny, then no prayer in the world is going to turn the man around.


https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/07/30/donald-trump-suggests-delaying-most-inaccurate-and-fraudulent-2020-election/   Surely if you’re keeping up with the news, you’ve heard that DJT suggests (or “floated out there”) the idea of POSTPONING the election!!


Even Senate Majority leader, Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell, (normally an advocate & supporter of this President “no matter what”) says NO, we are not doing that!  That this “IS THE LAW” & cannot be done!  {except by Congress…)


Meantime, Hong Kong *HAS* suspended their own election/s for one year (Coronavirus = a handy dandy excuse!)


And no, in no uncertain terms am I EVER suggesting one should vote for a “senile” leftist strong-armed LIBERAL like someone who’s merely BIDEN-his-time!!   So what to do?  What to do?


Simply wait, watch and pray!!  And IF we’re still here come election time, then who you vote for is a matter between you & the Lord!  Or whether you choose to vote at all.


Personally these are just my thoughts, but I do not see us still being here.  However, if we are, then it’s going to be pure mayhem….. as half the country will be rioting – only question is:  WHICH HALF??   This is providing the election has not been postponed or put off indefinitely!  And the only way to “control” mass rioting would be martial law by then.  In my humble opinion anyway….


Daniel 7:25  And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.    KJV   Emphasis mine


I’ve always noticed it doesn’t nec. Say he ACCOMPLISHES changing times & the law – just that he “intends” to (thinks to…!!)


Also, I’m betting a couple nickels you didn’t know about this:


Why did President Trump speak a set of occult numbers used often in the realm of Satanists?

NEWS BRIEF: “President Trump use of ’33’ in Press Conference of July 28/2020”, YouTube, July 28, 2020

In speaking of is drug initiative, President Trump said:

“33rd use of Defense Production Act” – At 4:17 — “… it’s the 33rd use …”

“33rd use of Defense Production Act” — 4:26 — “this is the 33rd use …”

33rd use of Defense Production Act — 4:39 — “… this is the 33rd use of the National Defense Act …”

I do not know why President Trump used a standard manner of uttering an occult phrase in public, nor do I know what message he is communicating, nor to whom. But, this one thing I know: the usage of a ’33 33 33′ is a very powerful Illuminati message.

This combination is one which occultists deem to be sacred, possessing great power individually and even greater power when used in combination. This belief in combining numbers involves two exercises. First, occultists will create new sacred numbers by multiplying or adding basic sacred numbers. Secondly, occultists will simply group sacred numbers together to create a new set of powerful numbers.

All this activity fulfills two purposes. First, great power is supposedly released when an occultist utilizes the correct sacred numbers in carrying out his planned action. Secondly, when a new number is created by either multiplication, addition, or simply by grouping sacred numbers, this new number becomes an occult symbol, which informs the initiated occultist as to what is happening, while simultaneously hiding it from the uninitiated.

Three (3) is the first sacred number, the first perfect number (Westcott, p. 41).

Three represents the Pagan Trinity.” (Westcott, p. 37).

It is represented geometrically in the triangle, and spiritually as the Third Eye Of Hinduism. Occultists will multiply and add three to other sacred numbers to create new numbers. However, they also group threes in two’s and threes, because they believe in the principle of “intensification”, i.e., that greater power is achieved when a sacred number is grouped. In the case of three, greater intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333. When Hitler committed suicide, he arranged the timing details so as to create a triple three (333). He committed suicide on April 30, at 3:30pm. thus creating a ‘333’.

Of course, 333 + 333 equals 666. Occultists have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which they present the more offensive number 666. When the details of an event are so arranged as to contain certain sacred occult numbers or numeric combinations, this is literally an occult signature on the event. Only occultists will recognize this signature.

Finally, threes are arranged so as to represent 666 when they are shown in pairs. Mathematically, 666 can be created when three pairs of threes are added. Thus, (3+3) + (3+3) + (3+3) = 666. Now, eliminate the parentheses and the plus sign, and you have 33 space, 33 space, 33, representing the number 666.

This “occult signature” from President Trump is a warning to all Christians that Trump may not be as much of a Conservative and/or Christian as many believe him to be.




The above from: https://prayandbeready.wordpress.com/2020/07/31/why-did-president-trump-speak-a-set-of-occult-numbers-used-often-in-the-realm-of-satanists/   who reblogged it from cutting edge.  Regardless of what you think about cutting edge, there are some of us who’ve NOTICED ALL ALONG that DJT is masonic!!!!


By the way, I’ve previously mentioned on this site how – in addition to everything else going on in the world, it’s been a bit more bizarre in my own life as  I have a stalker who has stalked me both day & night!!  He’s on local TV and somewhat known as a celeb.  No one would want to believe this about him as on TV he shows his good, SMILEY nature!! 

Interestingly enough, he is a mason!!!  WHY is that interesting?  Timing of it!~ See, at a different site, I vehemently attacked masonic teachings online early this year!!  And while this particular guy may or may not know that – that was about the time satan dispatched someone to do his bidding!!  I really honestly think it was “payback” for what I wrote!!  So I expect (and certainly hope anyway)  that some of you are praying for me!!  For my protection!  Physically of course, but also mentally & emotionally (as this has taken its toll!!)   I’ve had a few days reprieve, BUT that doesn’t mean it’s stopped – it generally means the enemy is “reloading” and getting ready to come again…..sigh!  at any rate…..


I know that we watchers never really expected the AC to “have orange hair”!!  ha!  Almost laughable!!  But…. Even Pastor James Key “covers that”.  I’ve mentioned James Key before, he is totally sold on the notion that DJT is the AC!!  www.glorytogodvideos.com  


Only difference is, sadly James Key believes & teaches the POST tribulation rapture (you know – where we all get slaughtered first…. Then the trumpet sounds & we go up ONLY TO DO AN IMMEDIATE U-turn & come right back down with Jesus???!!  {HOKEY!!}  He claims pre-tribbers misunderstand Scripture – ah,  “someone” does for sure!!  So since Pastor Key believes this, he also thinks we’re already in the Tribulation & goes ahead & outright calls DJT the AntiChrist.

Me:  I think there are a lot of “MATCHING” attributes (compared to as characteristics described by the Bible!!)  And I think there’s a VERY HIGH CHANCE he can indeed BECOME the AntiChrist!!  But…. he is not Y~E~T….. so for the time being, of course I don’t REFER to him as THEE AntiChrist  [that will most likely happen in heaven, when we all find out/know “who” for sure!!]


Some prefer to believe it will be “Prince Charles” or (fill in the blank w/your fav. king/prince)  HOWEVER, Scripture adamantly says he will be GIVEN a crown (does not ALREADY have it!!)   Isaiah 14 is my “go to” for the AC being a Pres. of the U.S. {King of Babylon during the Trib!!}  So anyway…..


Anyway, if you can get past James Key’s post-trib beliefs, you might find some other very interesting news on his site & you tubes!   For instance did you even know that the Israeli city of Tiberias wanted to rename it to TRUMPerias??  Yah, uh, SERIOUSLY!!!!


Have you ever in your life seen such FIERCE COUNTENANCE:




As far as the ones who do not like him?  Or even loathe him?  Again, James Key covers that, too.


Personally I think it’s done on PURPOSE to divide this country!!  You know!!  The “Good cop!  Bad cop!” GAME!!!!

In Congress, both parties pound & hound on each other relentlessly!!  VEHEMENTLY!!!!  Yet, at the end of the day, this is truth, got it from an insider there, they all meet at the “same watering hole” and have a few laughs together!!  As of the last report, there were ONLY about 14 members of Congress who do not/did not “drink” (alcoholic beverages).   So yep, can just about bet the farm, that it’s all one big game and BOTH SIDES are “in on it”.


I’m ready to GO HOME!!!!


I’m just a pilgrim & sojourner here!!  By saying this, the Bible says we DECLARE we are seeking a HOMELAND!!!!!   [ref:  Hebrews 11:14]


“Let’s go, Lord!!”  PLEASE…??


Going to hit send now…. PLEASE people, fellow watchers & Christians, I covet your prayers!  Not only for the “above” info, but whew nellie, I get smacked left & right, from every direction, gratis satan, when I post online!!   Thank you SOOO very much!!


Amen!  Maranatha!!

