Fay (18 Aug 2019)
"Frank Molver re Trump Trap"

Hi Frank and Doves,

You are correct, Frank. I am not familiar with Kim Clement and his prophecies. I tried watching a few of his YT clips and was appalled at the theatrical nature of it all. Crashing music and lots of shouting. That is not to say that I am right to feel this. I can't make that call. Let's just say that I cannot stomach all the drama that goes with his performances.

I admire so many things that Pres Trump has done. He has been a soothing balm to Obama's destructive reign. I do not doubt Pres Trump's intentions to Make America Great Again. And agree 1,000% that a great and powerful America, led by a person with conservative and sensible values, is the greatest thing for the entire earth. Providing hope and the return of sanity.

However - Trump's involvement with Israel ...the Deal of the Century etc., is more than alarming. Israel WILL be expected to make concessions. The media are keeping the details hush-hush. Almighty God is very clear about Israel and Jerusalem being out of bounds. It's not up for any human negotiation -period. If Trump and Netanyahu were in sync with scripture and prophecy, the end times would have a very different conclusion. As it stands - Jerusalem will be a very heavy stone for ALL nations and they will be cut to pieces. With no exception.

Saying all that - I can't help but feel that something may happen and Obama (or someone like him) will swerve back into view at some stage. Whether this is before Ezekiel 38 and the rapture, or afterwards - remains to be seen. I may be wrong about this, of course. For now - it is what it is. Pres Trump is in power and holds the fate of Israel in his hands (from a human perspective). Prophecy is unfolding at a staggering rate and war, in the Middle East, is imminent. Prophecy tells us that ALL the nations will turn on Israel - incurring Almighty God's wrath.

Patty and I are absolutely correct at being alarmed and calling it out. We would not be fulfilling our calling as watchmen if we didn't sound the alarm. I truly am sorry that this offends a lot of our brothers and sisters. It is not being done out of spite and nastiness - or ignorance!

May God Bless you, Frank. And all the Doves.