DP (18 Aug 2019)

Number one
Concerning Joshua notice that In the Old Testament that Joshua appears  At the time of entrance to the promised land at kadesh barnea .....however after that Joshua Fades from view ....he is not heard from again until the 40 years are completed .
This 40 years could represent 50  jubilees in the course of two thousand years .
The next time Joshua appears is when it's time to go into the promised land which would seem to indicate And picture the second coming of Christ.

Also Caleb accompanied Israel for the 40 years in the wilderness ...it is my understanding that Caleb means dog and therefore pictures Gentile Christianity that has been with Israel for the last two thousand years.

Concerning Ruth,  it is noted that towards the end of the book Boaz gave to Ruth 6 measures of barley and sent her back to Naomi.... the six measures of barley Could represent 6 days of work.

In a prophetic sense ,the six measures of barley may represent 6000 years of human history for after 6 days there comes the Sabbath.

It is possible that Boaz was saying to Ruth that the time had come for her to rest . She had labored enough, her marriage was to soon take place. It is a picture of the coming Millennial Sabbath

I believe Concerning Solomon's Temple going by memory that there were six steps up to the throne... so the throne would be the seventh step which would also picture the millennium.

Also at the time of the dedication Solomon's Temple 120 priests blew on 120 trumpets Is it possible that these hundred and twenty trumpets represent 50 Jubilee periods Of 6000 years

Also it is noted that God Mentioned in the Old Testament that my spirit shall not always strive with flesh but his years shall be 120.

 Could these also be 120 Jubilees Of 50 years each which would be 6000 years .God has been striving with man ever since Adam fell so the 6000 years would start In the year that Adam fell... not the year He was Made It is noted concerning the laws of slaves in the Old Testament that sin was considered debt if someone could not pay their debt they had to serve six years and would go free in the seventh year

In the Old Testament is the  story of Barak and Deborah It is noted that as part of that story That Jabin oppressed Israel for 20 years in his Reign of Terror Could that link prophetically to the past 20 centuries or two thousand years during which time Gentiles have mostly oppress the Jewish people?

Concerning the story of Samson It is noted that the number three is used repetitively he had three restrictions on him and the number 300 is used several times When he tore down the temple and it fell on the Philistines there were three thousand that were killed in the collapse of the building the number three is also embedded in the Nazarite prohibition of not drinking wine not touching anything unclean and not cutting his hair Other numbers of three are mentioned in the same book.... Samson caught 300 foxes tied to their tails and sent them through the cornfields of the Philistines One part of the book mentions that there was a week-long festival and it was the third day that they conspired against Samson ...his..bride to trick him into disclosing the riddle Also the seventh day is mentioned in the book The Third and Seventh Day spoken up here may be indicative of the third and seventh Millennium.
 Samson's riddle was in the third millennium the Messianic kingdom is due to come in the seventh millennium

Concerning Solomon's Palace it took 20 years to build his Palace and the temple ...concerning a prophecy and times it is interesting to note that Christ has spent the last 20 centuries in another building program one in which we are called living stones Could that mean that the building program is about to be completed and the last Stone put in place

Concerning Jesus and his disciples When he was asked why his disciples did not fast he said they cannot fast while the bridegroom is presnt. . But that the disciples would fast in the future meaning when he was gone as a type of this Jesus fasted 40 days so the typology would be that once the bridegroom leaves the fasting would start and run  40 Jubilee periods of 50 years each or 2,000 years

It is noted concerning the story of the Good Samaritan ...That once he was helped up from off the ground he was taken to an inn and the Good Samaritan paid The Innkeeper two days of wages and mentioned... when I come back ...Not if I come back
Two Days wages would represent 2000 years ....when the Good Samaritan would come back.

The only prophecy end times that has not yet failed as far as the many predictions that have been made is That there are 2,000 years of the church age from approximately 33 ad to 2033 ad  and there are probably many more types of this ...in some of the details given in the Old Testament stories which most people have never read.

 If the end of the church age and church era does not end in 2000 years after the cross then we would have to conclude that all of these biblical indicators which were given in the inspired word of God are not accurate and cannot be relied upon. however it appears that they are accurate can be relied upon in the number of times it's used for those with eyes to see and with Discerning hearts that the end of this age will happen approximately 2033 ad plus or minus one year

Also it is my belief that the tribulation Comes before The second coming of Jesus some feel this is a seven-year. But I feel it is a three and a half year. The tribulation is a time when Israel has to go through this tribulation in order to be born as part of the kingdom of God. It constitutes the birth pangs of the messianic kingdom.


There is an interesting number used in correlation with the completion of Solomon's Temple ...it is the number six six six ....666...It is noted that The Queen of Sheba gave 666 talents of gold to Solomon at that time .Also it is my understanding that the number of people returning from the Babylonian captivity to Israel if they're counted up numerically comes to the number 666. There are other numbers used in connection with Solomon's Temple regarding 666 that will have to be looked up in the Old Testament.

In the first chapter of Acts it indicates that Jesus appeared after his resurrection for 40 days preaching those things concerning the kingdom of God. Was this a type of the 40 jubilee periods of 50-year each.. before the kingdom of God would come.