Camars (18 Aug 2019)
"End of Days"


The world is a far different place than it was even 10 years ago.

I had some thoughts this week about the Rapture, in light of current events.  The first has to do with the demonic film, "The Hunt", that Universal had planned to release about liberal elite kidnapping and hunting to the death "Deplorables" or Trump supporters. After the horrible shootings, they decided to cancel it indefinitely or until sentiments cooled down.

 But what really is the motive behind such an outrageous film? It's pretty obvious to those of us whose discernment is especially acute these days.

Remember a few months back, when we could not believe our eyes and ears when NY announced new legislation that would allow an abortion up until and AFTER a child's birth? And VA proposed similar legislation as well with that state's governor (a pediatrician no less) in whole hearted agreement (thankfully VA's didn't pass).

That's murder. Infanticide. How can it be. But the Left words it SO cunningly for the masses. It's for the mother's health, the child will live in poverty, etc. etc.. And a larger and larger percentage of our society is swallowing it hook, line and sinker.  And the more and more, they push, the less sensitized society becomes to the value of human life.

Now this film.

Do you think it will be long before the insane and, I believe, demonically possessed Left begins to push for the extermination of the "extreme Right" for the good of society? After all, the way they are pushing socialism and ultimately communism today, it's all about the collective not the individual.  I think rounding up "political dissidents" is right down the road. Maybe interment camps first, then the executions will start. And their mantra will be  "so the planet can survive."

 So my thought about the Rapture is this:

Once Christians are taken away in the Rapture, there will only be a few remaining, the Remnant, that will accept Jesus during the Tribulation and oppose the Left's demonic rule. And they indeed will be rounded up and exterminated. And that's why the US really isn't mentioned in end times bible prophecy. This country will have ceased to be a world power. Under Satan's control, it will become another Third World country with misery and desperate poverty and only a few -- the Liberal Elite -- will enjoy the fat of the land.

I think we are very, very close to our Lord's return for us!