Phil (5 Aug 2018)
"Re Bob Wares's "Update on Seven Day watch between 3 August 2018 and 11 August 2018""

John and Doves,

Just to add a bit more to Bob's comprehensive work -

Bob points out that the 4th August 2018 is Obama's 57th birthday on day#
216 or 6x6x6.
Indeed it is but when you convert 57 years to months we get a slightly
different picture.
57 years = 684 months = 666+6+6+6 months on day# 6x6x6!
6+8+4 = 6+6+6.
And 5+7 = 6+6
And 57+75 = 132 = 66+66.

BTW Meghan Markle is 37 on the same day that Obama is 57.
37 years = 444 months.
684+444 months = 1128 months = 666+66+66+66+66+66+66+66 months.
>From Prince Harry and Megham Markles's wedding on 19/5/2018 to her 37th
birthday on 4/8/2018 = 77 days.

The 8th of August is also an interesting date as 8+8+2+1+8 = 9+9+9 where
9 in the Bible stands for Finality.

Another interesting day is September 18th which is 888 weeks after
888 weeks = 6216 days.
6216 is divisible by 111, 222, 444, 777 and of course 888, as well as 37
and 3108 and also 7, 14, 28, 42 and 56.

Keep looking up,
