Paul Wilson (26 Aug 2018)
"Fwd: Scott Morrison: Australia’s New Prime Minister - CultureWatch"

link to his article. Below it is a comment I left for him.

Paul Wilson

From: Paul Wilson
Subject: Scott Morrison: Australia’s New Prime Minister - CultureWatch
Date: August 25, 2018 at 12:39:27 AM CDT

we are having the same problem with the church in the states we get a reprieve with trump but we do nothing to change society. we got in bed with the politicians in the early 80's and think that political power is what we need to transform society. we can't legislate morality. we must write it on the hearts of men though the bible only then will morality be something people will aspire to. We can't elect morality either. Too many fight against men when it is written our fight is not against flesh and blood. We are fighting satan and his hoards that requires spiritual warfare. Physical warfare against his representatives won't change anything. The church in the west is TOO soft. Christianity is at it's best under TRUE persecution. In Asia especially China the church is going and is having a huge impact on people AND is under tremendous persecution. The early church changed the world while facing the real threat of being put to death. in the west for the most part being unfriended is our biggest problem. Not having the world love us is what we face. this is slowly changing but we don't know persecution we got fat and lazy in our comfort and now we compromise and sell out just so we don't have bad words said about us. Can you imagine the apostles groveling before the jews after being called some bad names??? Or changing their mind because a friends didn't want to be their friend anymore??? Can you image their position on a sin 'evolving' because a family member came out as being involved in that sin?? 

I hope you have better christians down under - ones with fire in the belly and spines in the back. If your christians believe they can vote their way back to morality like ours then you are going to have a hard time mate.