Leo Tavares  (5 Aug 2018)

Greetings in the flawless name of JESUS CHRIST!

Friends, I have just uploaded my 19th article on my website, which I have appropriately titled "The 19 Elements Of Jesus Christ". You can read about many of my findings there: Such as the "Composite Index" code of the first 37 atomic elements, the "Composite Index" code of the 19 Mononuclidic elements and the Fibonacci code of 19 (and much much more). One find in particular that I would like to share is something I call "The Phi/Pi Ratio Of Jesus Christ". It is absolutely mind-blowing!

The Standard Hebrew numerical value of "Jesus Christ" (391 + 363) = 754 and the Standard Greek numerical value of "Jesus Christ" (888 + 1480) = 2368. The ORDINAL Greek numerical value of "Jesus Christ" (87 + 118) = 205. Prime/Composite numbers are naturally related (Prime numbers being the numerical "building blocks" of Composite numbers). The 205th Composite number = 261 and the 205th Prime number = 1259. Thus, we have an amazing equation I discovered, which unites all of these key mathematical signatures of "Jesus Christ" and yields two of the most fundamental constants of mathematics (Phi and Pi) ... 

 • 754/(205 + 205th Composite number) = Phi (1.61803)

 • 2368/(205 + 205th Prime number) = Phi (1.62) 

You ask where is Pi? It is found in the ratios between the two values being divided (754 and 2368) and the two values doing the dividing ... 

 • 2368 / 754 = Pi (3.14)

 • (205 + 205th Prime number) / (205 + 205th Composite number) = Pi (3.142)

    Check out my new article here:



Battalion Of Christ,

Leo Tavares (aka Gambini)

EMAIL: Mathematics3773@gmail.com