Leo Tavares  (26 Aug 2018)

Greetings to all and special salutations to the TITANS OF CHRIST

I shared my latest article about two weeks ago ("The 19 Elements Of Jesus Christ") where I reveal how the 19 Mononuclidic elements are coded with the mathematical signature of "Jesus Christ", which is tied to my previous discoveries of the Fibonacci code of 19 and the Composite Index code of the first 37 atomic elements. Since then, I have updated my article with even more amazing discoveries I have made. There is way too much to get into here, but here is some of my new finds ... 

As I was contemplating my old find of how the Prime Factorization sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers = The Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (2368), and the fact that every 19th Fibonacci number (and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number) is a perfect multiple of 37, the Lord reminded me that the Fibonacci number series entails a logic of "summing by TWO'S". That is, any number in the series is derived through summing the TWO values before it. What's more, the ratio between every TWO successive Fibonacci numbers approximates closer and closer to Phi. Following the Lord's lead, I was able to crack yet another code through a logical function hinted at in the Fibonacci series, which I have coined the "CODED FIBONACCI SUM" ... 

Basically, it involves taking two successive digits in a numerical sequence and summing them as individual integers. Since every 19th Fibonacci number is a perfect multiple of 37, and Genesis 1:1 (being the foundation of Biblical Numerics) is rooted in the number 37, I first applied the "CODED FIBONACCI SUM" to the Genesis 1:1 word values. What I found assured me that I was on the right path indeed. Here are the Genesis 1:1 word values and their "Coded Fibonacci Sum":

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 =

       37 × 73


91 + 32 + 03 + 86 + 40 + 13 + 95 + 40 + 72 + 96 = 568

Sum of first 19 PRIMES = 568

PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 = "Jesus Christ" (with Fibonacci numbers themselves hinting at a logic of "summing by two's")

Every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a multiple of 37 (Genesis 1:1 IS the very foundation of Biblical Numerics and is rooted in 37)

The Triangular numbers = The sum of integers up to n. I show in my article how the sum of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the 19 Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements = The UNIQUE "Composite Set" of 754. As you may know, the product of 37 and 19 yields the 37th Triangle. When I applied the "Coded Fibonacci Sum" to the first 19 Triangular numbers, I was absolutely stunned by what I found. Here are the first 19 Triangular numbers and their "Coded Fibonacci Sum" ... 


   1) 1
   2) 3
   3) 6
   4) 10
   5) 15
   6) 21
   7) 28
   8) 36
   9) 45
   10) 55
   11) 66
   12) 78
   13) 91
   14) 105
   15) 120
   16) 136
   17) 153
   18) 171
   19) 190


13 + 61 + 01 + 52 + 12 +
83 + 64 + 55 + 56 + 67 +
89 + 11 + 05 + 12 + 01 +
36 + 15 + 31 + 71 + 19 + 0 =


37 × 19 = 37th TRIANGULAR NUMBER

"JESUS CHRIST" (Yehoshua HaMashiac) = 754

Given the fact that the Fibonacci numbers are eternally related to Phi, and the fact that I was able to crack the "Coded Fibonacci Sum" of the first 19 Triangular numbers through the Fibonacci-related logic of "summing by two's", I was led to calculate the "Phi Positions" of the first 19 Triangular numbers (the position in Phi, after the decimal point, where each one first occurs). I found that it ties right back to the Standard Hebrew numerical value of "Jesus Christ" yet again (through PRIME/COMPOSITE values, with Prime/Composite numbers being naturally related). Here are the "Phi Positions" of the first 19 Triangular numbers, which can be verified with an online "Phi Position" calculator ...


   1) 1 = 2
   2) 3 = 5
   3) 6 = 1
   4) 10 = 231
   5) 15 = 366
   6) 21 = 54
   7) 28 = 51
   8) 36 = 28
   9) 45 = 21
   10) 55 = 768
   11) 66 = 123
   12) 78 = 198
   13) 91 = 42
   14) 105 = 1504
   15) 120 = 1918
   16) 136 = 251
   17) 153 = 451
   18) 171 = 216
   19) 190 = 1037

TOTAL Phi SUM = (620 + 910) + 5737



   754th PRIME NUMBER = 5737

Notice how this ties all of my discoveries together:

- Sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to first 37 atomic elements = 2368 = "Jesus Christ"

- 37 is geometrically related to 19 and sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to 19 Mononuclidic elements = The "COMPOSITE SET" of 754 (and ONLY the "Composite Set" of 754), with 754 being the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ"

- 37 + 19 = 56 and the sum of the first 56 COMPOSITE NUMBERS = 2368 = "Jesus Christ" (37 × 19 = Sum of first 37 integers)

- PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 = "Jesus Christ" (every 19th Fibonacci number, and ONLY every 19th Fibonacci number, is a perfect multiple of 37)

- Fibonacci number series entails hidden logic of "summing by two's" and the "CODED FIBONACCI SUM" of the first 19 Triangular numbers = 754 = "Jesus Christ" (37 × 19 = 37th Triangular number)

- Fibonacci numbers deeply related to Phi and the "Phi Positions" of the first 19 Triangular numbers sum to the COMPOSITE ORDER/COMPOSITE NUMBER indexed to 754 with the 754th PRIME NUMBER (Prime/Composite numbers being naturally related, with the first 37 atomic elements, and the 19 Mononuclidic elements, pointing to 2368 and 754 through COMPOSITE INDEXING)

Please check out my article for many more of my findings:https://sites.google.com/site/mathematicalmonotheism/the-19-elements-of-jesus-christ

Another discovery I made, which I bring out in the article, has to do with the cubed digits in the Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ". The Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus" (Yehoshua) = 391 and the Standard Hebrew value of "Christ" (HaMashiac) = 363 ... 

(3^3 + 9^3 + 1^3) + (3^3 + 6^3 +3^3) = The 19th HEXAGONAL number = The ONLY Centered Hexagon with 37 rows

19 is the ONLY number that forms a perfect "MAGIC HEXAGON" (where all rows/diagonals yield same sum)

The 19th HEXAGON/HEXAGRAM pair = 1027/2053. Thus, we have a geometric perfection that points to the coded mathematics of the 19 Mononuclidic elements ... 


HEXAGON = (3^3 + 9^3 + 1^3) + (3^3 + 6^3 + 3^3)

RAYS = 19th multiple of 37th COMPOSITE NUMBER (54 × 19)

Sum of COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to 19 Mononuclidic elements = The UNIQUE "Composite Set" of 754 (620 + 754 + 910)



The most Phi-related shape in geometry is the PENTAGON. Thus, we have even further geometric perfection through the very same cubed pattern: The Standard Hebrew value of "Jesus Christ" (391 + 363) = 754 ...

 7^3 + 5^3 + 4^3 = The 19th Pentagonal number

The Pentagon = The most Phi-related shape in geometry

Any organism that does not acknowledge Jesus Christ as God, mark them down for eternal shame.

 Battalion Of Christ,

Leo Tavares (aka "Gambini" aka "I AM GEMATRIA")

EMAIL: Mathematics3773@gmail.com

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/mathematicalmonotheism/home