Leo Tavares  (26 Aug 2018)

Greetings in the flawless name of JESUS CHRIST,

In my last letter, I shared a discovery I made within key mathematical signatures of "Jesus Christ" that yield BOTH Phi and Pi, which I appropriately coined "The Phi/Pi Ratio Of Jesus Christ". I would like to share yet another equation I discovered, derived from the unbreakable Gematria values of "Jesus Christ", that yield Phi through the means of related PRIME NUMBERS ... 

The STANDARD Hebrew value of "Jesus" (Yehoshua) = 391 and the STANDARD Hebrew value of "Christ" (HaMashiac) = 363 (391 + 363 = 754)

The ORDINAL Hebrew value of "Jesus" (Yehoshua) = 58 and the ORDINAL Hebrew value of "Christ" (HaMashiac) = 57 (58 + 57 = 115)

STANDARD Hebrew "Jesus Christ" (391 + 363) = 754 and the 754th PRIME = 5737

ORDINAL Hebrew "Jesus Christ" (58 + 57) = 115 and the 115th PRIME = 631

Thus, we have the following perfection, which I have coined "THE Phi/PRIME CODE OF JESUS CHRIST" (notice that Phi is the end result in BOTH cases, with each case being logically/mathematically related through the Standard/Ordinal Hebrew values of "Jesus Christ"):

   (363/391) / .5737 = Phi (1.618)

    (58/57) / .631 = Phi (1.62)

Check out my website for many more discoveries I've made on the mathematical perfection of Jesus Christ:https://sites.google.com/site/mathematicalmonotheism/home 


Battalion Of Christ,

 Leo Tavares (aka Gambini)

EMAIL: Mathematics3773@gmail.com