Jovial (5 Aug 2018)
"Was the 7/27 Lunar Eclipse Red Moon a sign of anything?"

Friday's Lunar Eclipse was a red moon, and lots of people were saying maybe it was a sign of something.  It was predicted in advance by science.  Modern Science predicted it would happen based on PHYSICS, because when only the red hues of the sun's light can get around the earth, that is what happens to the moon.  So based on that as a physical theory, and based on how well we know the orbits, science was able to predict the exact moment the lunar eclipse started, stopped, and that it would turn red because of it.

But doesn't Joel 2:31 say "The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood"?  Yes.  And science has no explanation as to how the moon would be red if the sun were dark.  Because a red moon is explained by the red hues of the sun creeping around the earth.  But there is no scientific explanation for a red moon and a dark sun.  That combination would definitely be a sign.  A red moon on a new moon would be a sign, because there is no scientific explanation for that.  A red moon when the sun has gone dark would be a sign.  But a red moon that not only has a scientific explanation but was predicted in advance from that scientific , that is no sign that G-d is interfering with the natural chain of events, but just a sign that earth's curvature, without which, the red color in the moon would not be possible, because it is only how the sun's light rays bend around the earth that causes the moon to glow red.

Red moons happen about 4-6 times a year, depending on various factors.  Science has observed that they happen when the moon is in the same plane as the earth and the sun.  The moon's orbit is tilted about 5 degrees from that plane, so it has to be close to where it is crossing that plane for it to happen.  Red moons happen on a full moon, or within 2-3 days thereof, and when the moon is close to the plane of the sun and earth.  Science has developed equations describing the orbit of the moon around the earth and the earth around the sun and has observed this correlation of events for centuries and can explain the theory of why by how hues of light refract.  It has been observed to work this way so predictably, that science can now tell us in advance as to when every red moon will occur.

Sometimes when the moon is CLOSE to that plane, it might be orange or yellow.  But it does not last long, since it turns from red to orange to yellow to white in about an hour or two after moonrise.  And it can look red in one part of the world and white in another.  Once I was on the phone with a friend of mine in Washington State, and he told me the moon was just above the horizon and red for him, but it was 30 degrees higher for me and totally white.  That is because the color is dependent on only some hues getting around the curvature of the earth.  But for the moon to look red to EVERYONE no matter where they are when it is not full and not eclipsed...that would be something science cannot explain.

If science can explain it, it is not a supernatural sign of anything.