Gary Rich (5 Aug 2018)
"Prayer for God's divine purpose in your life"

have you ever wondered just what it is that God wants you to do with your life ? What is the real reason and purpose that God brought you into this world ? Here is a powerful & impacting prayer that will answer those questions and will change your life forever :
God Almighty, you created me and put me in this time in history for a purpose. I don't want to go another day without touching and gaining understanding about that purpose. You want and need to do something in my heart. I don't want to go on without that being fulfilled in me. God, speak to me. Speak to my heart like only you can and according to the way you know I will be able to receive
Give me revelation, give me wisdom and give me understanding of your divine will, purpose and plans for my life. Please give me the grace, the ability and the revelation I need to be totally surrendered to you. Please answer me Lord , according to the way you've called and annointed me. Let me do your work. Please set me apart and save me from sin, from my world's system, and from the works of the enemy. So that your will and purposes can be fulfilled in my life
Yes Lord, send me. Use me. Set me apart. Make me a vessel you can use. Make me a part of your army. Strengthen and anoint me so I can stand against the darkness in these last days. I surrender to your will, Lord. I am yours and you are mine, Amen

have a blessed day,   Gary