F.M. Riley (26 Aug 2018)
"More Light On The New Man"

More Light On
The New Man
                                                                                               By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                                               August 24, 2018
     "But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes [once] were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
     For He is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;
     Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in Himself of twain one new man, so making peace;
     And that He might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:
     And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh,"                                   Ephesians 2:13-17
     Many years ago I read James 1:18, which clearly states that those believers who have experienced the "new birth" being born of Christ [begat He us], are "a kind of firstfruits of His creatures."  Wow!
     The Greek word translated as "kind" in this Scripture literally means, "a certain kind; a special kind; a certain species."  
     I also noticed that this Scripture clearly states that this "kind" of believer is the "firstfruits of His creatures."  How could this be?  We are certainly not the first human beings created.  That position belongs to Adam and Eve.  Yet here we are referred to as being the  first or "firstfruits."   So what is meant by this statement?
      When I further looked up the meaning of the word, "creatures," in this Scripture, I found it is the same Greek word as "creature" in other New Testament Scriptures, and is derived from the Greek word for "creation."  See 2 Corinthians 5:17.   
     This made me to know that through the "new birth," the Lord God is creating a special race or species of mankind, for some special purpose.  And right there I began studying this subject, and have been studying it ever since that time.  And what I have learned across many years of study now nearly blows my mind as I think about it!
     Now every reader knows the subect of this study.  My prayer is that this study will be enlightening and a great blessing to every reader.  
A New Dispensation...A New Birth
     The "new birth" is first mentioned in the New Testament in the Book of John, chapter 3.  Those readers who truly desire to "...rightly divide the Word of truth," 2 Timothy 2:15, should carefully study and harmonize the ministry of Christ in the four Gospels.  
     An entirely new dispensation [Acts 17:26] began with the birth of Christ, which according to Bible Chronoligist, occurred in either 3, 4, or 5 B.C.  No, the exact date cannot be pinpointed, for obviously the Lord didn't want mankind making His birth a national holiday.  
     I am well aware that some dispensationalists date the beginning of this present Dispensation of Grace with the Jewish Law being set aside, and others date it with the Lord's Church being baptized in the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, Acts 2.  I am not trying to offend any reader, but the Lord Jesus Himself is God's grace sent into this world to reveal the love and grace of God to mankind.  Therefore I have to believe that the Dispensation of Grace began with the birth of Christ.  
     The Lord Jesus then began His personal ministry when He was approaching thirty years of age, Luke 3:23.  The Lord obviously knew that no Jewish man could serve as a Rabbi, until they were thirty years of age.  Before that age none of the Jewish people would go to them, or even listen to them for spiritual instruction.   
      I am emphasizing this, so that our readers can compare the four gospels and see that what the Lord had to say about the "new birth" to Nicodemus, was His first public message; "ye must be born again," John 3:1-7.   Praise the Lord!  
     Now search the entire Old Testament, and our readers will never find a word in it telling either the Jewish or Gentile peoples that they had to be "born again."  Never!   The "new birth" is strictly a New Testament doctrine, and it is only for New Covenant believers.  Nicodemus being "born again" makes it quite clear that the "new birth" is for any race or people living during this present dispensation.  It was not for mankind living before this dispensation, and it will not be needed for mankind living after this dispensation.   If this messes up some reader's theology, then study the subject for yourself, and ".....let God be true, and every man a liar...," Romans 3:4.  
Creation and the New Birth
     A brother introduced the thought to me that being "born again" or the "new birth" is not an act of creation, therefore he didn't see how it could make us new creatures or creations.  and asked for my thoughts.   My answer.....how could the "new birth" not be an act of creation?  
      I am sure the brother had creating matter itself in mind, such as the Lord God speaking the worlds into existence as in Genesis 1:1, Hebrews 1:1-2, and 11:1-3.  Creating the earth most definitely was an act of creating matter where nothing previously existed.  However, that is not the only form of creation.  Yes, I did just make this statement!    
     Let's take your children for example.  That new baby some of our readers have, or even some of your older children.  Did they exist prior to their birth?  I mean prior to being conceived in the womb?  Did your children exist before you and your spouse decided to bring them into existence by being intimate with one another?  Well...??
     When God created Adam and Eve, he endowed them with the power or ability to CREATE new life through the birth process.  We today call this, "procreation."  No child exists before the act of procreation.  And how does a child which never existed come into existence?  Through the process of conception and then BIRTH.  
      When Christ told Nicodemus that he must be "born again," the Lord also told him, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit," John 3:6.  Well....when a child is born of the flesh, a new child has been created.  Likewise when a repentant believer is "born of the Spirit,"  a new "son of God" has been created.  When a new baby is born, they are born for the first time.  When a repentant sinner is saved, they are experiencing a new birth, or a second birth.  This is obviously why the Lord told Nicodemus, "Ye must be born again," John 3:7.  The first birth brings us into this world.  The second birth gives us access to Heaven when we die or are raptured.  
     Plain enough?    
     A New Race of People
     I have to believe that the inspired writer of the Book of Hebrews [Most likely the Apostle Paul] understood the "new birth" and the purpose for it.  Every serious Bible student knows, or should know,  that it was an Israelite who wrote the Book of Hebrews.  Why?  Because the inspired writer passionately exhorted his own Jewish people in the book to receive Christ Jesus as their Savior and Messiah.  
     The key word in the Book of Hebrews is "better."  The writer over and over again pointed out to his people that the New Covenant believer had been given a "better covenant" with "better promises," and that those who received Christ would have a "better resurrection," and would enter into a "better country" and a "better city."  And yes, there are several more "betters" in the book, which I haven't mentioned.  Read it, and see for yourself.  This is obviously why the inspired writer of Hebrews so very much wanted his people to receive Christ during this present dispensation.   
     One of these "better" things for New Covenant believers is that they will be a special race of people, being created in Christ, during this present dispensation,  for a special purpose.   
     This truth is clearly stated in James 1:18 and in our text Scripture for this study in Ephesians 2:15.  When this latter Scripture states that the Lord is making a "new man," then believe what it says.  Our readers don't have to guess about this, or presume that it is just my idea or theory.   There is plenty of Scriptural evidence of this truth.
The New Body
     At the time of the resurrection, when we put off this old body of carnal flesh, and put on our new spiritual body, our new body will  have no racial identity, will be neither "bond nor free, will have no sexual gender; neither male nor female, Galatians 3:26-28.   Our new body will be neither Jew nor Gentile, nor any other race, and while we will not be a slave or in bondage, we also will not be free, Colossians 3:9-11.    
     Speaking of the body of the believer in 1 Corinthians 15, the Apostle Paul explicitly told the Corinthian believers that the resurrection body will be an "incorruptible" body, 15:42.  That it will be a powerful body, 15:43.   That it will be a spiritual body, 15:44.  That it will be "a quickening spirit."  This literally means a "living" spirit; a spirit which will never die.  
     And each of us believers, in some way,  will bear the image of the Lord Jesus, 15:49.  Just as, in this life, there is a family resemblance; children in some respects bear the likeness of their parents, so in our resurrection bodies we will bear the image of the Lord Jesus Christ who
gave us spiritual birth; "begat us."
      Our resurrection body will not grow old and die, for it will not be subject to death, 15:53-57.  
Made Like Christ
     Both Philippians 3:20-21 and 1 John 3:1-2 explicitly state that we will see the Lord Jesus for ourselves; face to face, and that as we behold His glory, His very image shall be imparted to us, and impressed upon us, 1 Corinthians 13:12.   At that time we receive a ""glorified" body, like the body of Christ.  
     For many years I read the inspired passage in 1 John 3:1-2 which states that we shall be "like Him," and the depth of meaning never took hold in my mind and heart.  Folks, the Greek word translated as "like" in this passage literally means, "exactly like; an exact duplicate; the same as."  Don't fail to notice in this passage that John has just wrote, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is."  
      These inspired Scriptures make it quite clear that the new race or species of mankind being created through the "new birth" will be known as "the sons of God."  Spiritually speaking, the "inner man" [soul]  of every true believer is already a "son of God," but the visible revelation of this truth awaits the resurrection.   Glory to God!  
The Purpose For This New Man
     As I pointed out in my previous study, every government throughout human history has failed.  Even the most powerful nations in the history of mankind; ancient Assyria, Babylon, and Rome, due to the corruption of their rulers and government leaders, never lasted more than 200 years.  This corruption led to wars between nations, changes in national boundaries, terrible destruction and devastation, with many peoples being driven from their homes and countries, persecuted, oppressed, imprisoned, starved, and killed.  
     But our precious Lord Jesus had a solution for this; to create a brand new race of people, similar to Himself; "like Him," even possessing some of His attribute and characteristics.    Glory to God!  
     What are some of the attributes of our beloved Savior?  He is sinless! He cannot sin or be made to sin! He possesses eternal life, and cannot die or be killed!   He is altogether righteous! He is the embodiment of truth, and cannot lie.  And I could go on and on describing the attributes of our Savior and Lord.  And when the resurrection occcurs, we shall be made like Him!  Glory to God!  Praise the Lord!  Hallelujah!  
     But why?  For what purpose?  I'm so glad you asked!  
     We will become the future government rulers and judges, in the everlasting Kingdom of Christ [Isaiah 9:7] over mankind still living in their natural bodies.  See the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30, and the parable of the pounds in Luke 19:11-27.  Hear Paul's statement to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 6:2-3.  
     The "twenty four elders" in Revelation 4:4, 4:10-11, 5:5-6, and 5:8-10 are the Lord's  raptured Church and people.  Notice that when they sing the new song, they explicitly state in that song, that the Lord "...hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth."    
     It is these "saints" that will be returning to the earth with Christ at the end of Tribulation [Zechariah 14:5; 1 Thessalonians 3:13], as He comes back to establish His Millennial and Everlasting Kingdom.  Why?  So we can take up the positions of rulership assigned to us; a righteous government over mankind which can never be corrupted.  Oh, glory to God!  With the glorified "sons of God" ruling and reigning with Christ, all of  redeemed mankind on the earth will live in peace and righeousnes for ever and ever.   
       Dear readers, imagine if you can a world in which there will never be any sin and wickedness like we see today, never any hate or envy or  jealousy.  The love of God will prevail for ever and ever, even as mankind on the earth multiplies for whatever future the Lord has for planned for redeemed mankind.  Read and take to heart the promise of God in Ephesians 2:5-7, and give glory to God, and to our Savior and Lord.