F.M. Riley (26 Aug 2018)
"Our Time Has Come....."

Our Time Has Come.....
                                                                                  By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                                  August 22, 2018
     The Lord Jesus Christ Himself said to His disciples,
     "These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world," John 16:33.
     Those readers who are aware of the extreme wickedness in the world around us today, and already live in fear of what the wicked may do next, should read no further, for your fears will likely be increased as you read.
      On the other hand, those readers who really want to know what all true believers are facing, barring the SOON coming of the Lord for His people, just keep reading.
      Now every reader has been warned.......
The History of the Lord's Church and People
     Just as our Scripture text says, ".....In the world ye shall have tribulation..."  This warning given by the Lord Himself is not speaking about the Tribulation period, for all true believers will be resurrected and raptured before the Tribulation period begins.  Rather, this warning from our precious Lord was setting forth the attitude of the lost, unbelieving world towards Christianity and the followers of Christ during this present Dispensation of Grace.  And just as the Lord warned, so has it been.  
The Trail of Blood
     The Lord Jesus also clearly stated to His disciples, ".....If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
     For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for My sake, the same shall save it," Luke 9:23-24.  See also Matthew 10:37-38, 16:24-25, Mark 8:34-35, and Luke 14:26-27.
     Our Lord Jesus Christ practiced what He preached.  For the love of His Father which had sent Him, and for the love of lost mankind, Christ suffered and bled and died on Calvary's old rugged cross.  Right there at Calvary is where "the trail of blood" started, and it has never stopped from that day until the present.  
     There is a little booklet written by J. M. Carroll, whose title is "The Trail of Blood."  Every reader of this study should obtain a copy of that liittle booklet and read it for yourself.  You see, the history of the Lord's true churches and followers is not simply written with pen and ink in some man's history, but rather has been written with the blood of those who were willing to become martyrs for the cause of Christ.  I would also suggest to our readers that they obtain a copy of the book, "Foxe's Book of Christian Martyrs."    
     The Lord Jesus Christ Himself then marked the path for His believing church and people to follow.  And follow they have.....
The Lord's Original Disciples
     Every one of the disciples of Christ, called Apostles in God's Word, with the exception of the Apostle John, suffered martyrdom at the hands of wicked and evil men.  The martyrdom of James, the brother of John,    is recorded in Acts 12:1-2. Then one after another, each of the Apostles was killed as they refused to deny Christ. Some, like Peter, were crucified.  Others were stoned to death, or beaten, or imprisoned and starved.  John was exiled to the island of Patmos by the Roman Emperor, who thought he would rid his empire of the preaching of John.  Instead, John on that island, alone with the Lord God, was given the great Book of Revelation, enlightening God's people even today of how these present "last days" will end.  John will also yet lay down his life for the Lord whom he loved and followed.  Read about it for yourself in Revelation 11:1-8.  John will be the "second witness" who is sent back to testify to Israel, along with Elijah the prophet, Malachi 4:5-6.  
The Apostle Paul
     Saul of Tarsus, a persecutor of the Lord's churches, was gloriously saved while on the road to Damascus, Acts 9.   His name was changed to Paul, and he became one of the greatest Apostles of the Lord.  Throughout his ministry he suffered much abuse as he carried the message of Christ throughout the Roman Empire.  See 2 Corinthians 11:22-27.  Ultimately, Paul too was martyred for the cause of the Lord Jesus  Christ, whom he loved.  
The Early Churches.....Ephesus Rev. 2:1-7
     The Roman Empire did everything within their ability, to stop and stamp out the "Christian movement."  The early churches were invaded by Roman troops, the pastors were killed, their buildings were burned, Christian women were raped, and their little babies and little children were murdered right before their eyes.  And guess what?
     The Lord's churches and people thrived under such bitter persecution.  The "Christian movement" grew by leaps and bounds, spreading all through the length and breadth of the Roman Empire.  There is historical evidence that the gospel of Christ was carried all the way to ancient Britain by two of the Lord's disciples.  
Satan's Deception...Smyrna Rev. 2:8-11
     However, some of those who had merely "professed" Christ, left the early churches and started their own "religion," while continuing to call themselves "Christians."  See 1 John 1:18-19.   They in turn, became bitter enemies of the true churches of the Lord.
     So during this time, the true churches of the Lord suffered persecution at the hands of both the Roman Empire, and also those apostates who had severed themselves from true Christianity.   
Pergamos...Rev. 2:12-17
     Then in 313 A.D., the government of the Roman Empire decided to stop opposing "Christianity," and rather "join it" and thereby control it from within.  So they convened a so-called "church council" in the city of Nicea, and urged all churches and pastors throughout the Roman Empire to attend.  The Christian historian, Eusebius, records that the true churches and pastors of the Lord, refused to attend or take part in that council.  But the false churches and pastors flocked to it.  At that council a compromise between the Roman Empire and so-called "Christianity" was effected by the establishment of a "state" church.
     This new "state" church was given huge grants of money by the Roman government, which was used to build massive cathederals and church buildings, and pay their pastors fabulous salaries.  And of course, the headquarters of this new "state" approved church was established in the capitol city of Rome.  This new "state" church then had access to the Roman military to enforce persecution upon the Lord's churches and people.  
     Nevertheless, there was a "remnant" of the Lord's churches and people who remained faithful to the Lord and His Word, even under such circumstances.  Glory to God!  
 The Dark Ages...Thyatira Rev. 2:18-29
     The Lord Himself warned His followers, ".....yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service," John 16:2.  This was spoken in the context of the Jewish people, however, it did not stop when the Lord's churches and disciples left the land of Israel.
      For the next 1200 years thousands [or millions] of true Christian believers were brutally martyred [murdered] by the false church of Rome, in the name of God and Christ.  The false church had a Satanic vision of forcing their particular "brand" of Christianity upon the entire world.  That is still their vision and goal today.  
     During the Dark Ages, true believers who refused to recant of their love of Christ Jesus and His Word, were crucified, hanged, burned at the stake, tortured with hot irons, beaten to death, suffocated, drowned, and any other form of wickedness and murder those in the old Roman whore religion could think up to inflict on believers in the Lord's true churches.  During that time, there was no "freedom of worship."  The people in Europe and  Asia followed the dictates of the Roman religion, or they suffered the consequences for their disobedience.  
    Nevertheless, the Lord's true churches and people continued to stand for Christ, and lift up the truth of the gospel of Christ even in the midst of their persecution and suffering.   Praise the Lord!
The Protestant Reformation...Sardis Rev. 3:1-6
     But finally even in their own ranks, Martin Luther, a priest who had studied the Scriptures rebelled against the apostate church of Rome, and the Protestant Reformation began.  Some of the Lord's churches embraced that movement, but not all, Rev. 3:2-4.  The Lord's churches are not protestant churches, but trace their lineage all the way back to Christ Himself.  
     But due to the Protestant Reformation, some of the vicious persecution of the Lord's churches and people lessoned.  It did not stop entirely, but was not quite so bitter any longer.  There was still that "remnant" who had stayed faithful and continued to lift up the blood stained banner of Christ, and the great truths of His Word.  Glory!  
A New Beginning...Philadelphia Rev. 3:7-13
     During the course of the Protestant Reformation, Columbus discovered the land which was ultimately named America.  Very shortly, persecuted believers in Europe were sailing across the ocean to this new land of  America, where they could have "freedom of religion," and worship God freely and without fear.  
     The very first boatload of colonists, who came on the Mayflower in 1620, refused to leave the ship and step onto the shores of America, until they had prayed and dedicated this "new land" to the Lord God of Heaven.  This ultimately led to the establishment of the United States of America in 1776; a nation founded upon the principles of God's Word.  
    In this new nation, the Lord's churches and people had rest from the bitter persecution they had suffered in Europe, and they thrived in this new land.  As the colonists pushed westward in covered wagons and on horseback, many of them carried a pistol for protection,  and a Bible under their arm for spiritual growth.  Wherever those early pioneers stopped,  they built a church building for the people to worship in, and a community sprang up around it.  Many a town or community in America today can trace their beginning back to the brave Christian men and women who dared to face unknown dangers to carry the gospel of Christ to the Indian peoples of the west. During the colonization of America, the Lord's churches and people not only sought to evanglize the Indians as they moved westward, but they sent missionaries back to Europe, to Africa, to Asia, and all over the earth.  Many of those missionaries were killed or died in foreign lands.  This is the heritage our Christian forefathers passed on to us, which many living today have completely forgotten.  May God have mercy upon us!
Followed by Apostasy.....Laodicea Rev. 3:14-22
     Times have been good in America; the best times the Lord's churches and people have known since the Lord's church was established at the first coming of Christ.  Freedom of worship, freedom to evangelize without fear, peaceful times, times of great revivals; bringing joy and rejoicing to the hearts and minds of God's people, victorious times, and yes; prosperous times.  And this may have been our downfall.....
     It appears that when God's people become too prosperous, they become comfortable, and tend to forget the Lord who blessed them with such prosperity.  And they tend to turn their backs on God and His Word, and go off into apostasy.  
     Folks, we are still living in the Laodicean church period today.  Carefully study what the Lord had to say in His letter to Laodicea.  Many today "professing" Christ, have become "lukewarm" in their devotion to the Lord God, 3:15-16.  And materialistic.  Sadly, some have drifted so far away from God and His Word, that they don't even realize their true condition, 3:17.   
     But Christ Jesus has not left us, even though many "professing Christians" today have left Him, 3:18-20.  The Lord is still standing at the door of the churches today, knocking and calling out for admittance.  Don't fail to notice that it is not the whole church body that the Lord will come into for a time of fellowship.  Rather it is the individual; "if any man," [woman; boy or girl] will hear the Lord's voice and open the door, the Lord will still come into them, to sup [eat; feed; feast] with them on the Word of God.  I know this to be true, for I enjoy my Lord's presence and power and leadership daily as I study His Word, and write out the great truths of it for those who have "an ear" to hear, 3:21-22.  
A People Called to Suffer.....
  One of the great truths which Paul was inspired to write for the benefit of the Lord's church and people is stated in Philippians 1:29, "For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him but also to suffer for His sake."  Allow this truth to "soak in."   
      This truth was not exclusive to Paul alone, for James, the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ, in his epistle clearly exhorted God's people,
     "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations [testings];
     Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
     But let patience have her perfect [perfecting] work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting [lacking] nothing."  
     Yes, there is more to salvation in Christ than merely "professing" Christ as one's Savior.  The Lord God Himself allows, and sometimes sends, trials and troubles into our lives to test our faith, and to motivate spiritual growth in our lives.  Praise His Holy Name!  
     God's people [true believers] throughout this present dispensation have always been a suffering people; in other words, a people willing to display their faith by their  suffering  for the cause of Christ. To those who are true believers reading this study; aren't you glad that our Christian forefathers didn't just give up and QUIT?  
  Freedom is not Free
     In essence,  the freedoms we have enjoyed as citizens of America were not free!  They were bought for us living today by the tears, sweat, sacrifices, and blood of our Christian forefathers.  And sadly, the American people living today have not  guarded those freedoms.
What is Happening?
     Right now, as I write, the freedoms we have known as citizens of this country, are teetering on the edge of vanishing.  No, it is not the politicians or government that is a threat to these freedoms at this present time, although the liberals and leftists in our government will likely support the loss of these freedoms when they are given a choice.
     Rather, it is Apple, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and the liberal news media who have together made the decision to begin censoring what Bible believing Christians have to say, while using their facilities.  This was brought to light by World Net Daily in an article they printed on August 8th.  Check it out for yourself.  
     The article reported that this cartel has agreed together, to no longer allow Alex Jones to use their facilities for his daily program.   I am aware that many of our readers use Apple, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon, with your cell phones and Internet.  But if these companies can censor Alex Jones "freedom of speech" by refusing to allow him to use their facilities for his daily program, then how long will it be before they are censoring how you use your cell phone and Internet?  
     I am not defending Alex Jones in any way.  He is bold, brazen, loud mouthed, and sometimes offensive in what and WHO he talks about on his program.  But is this America or not? Has our Constitution guaranteeing us "freedom of speech" been suspended, or not?  If these companies can come together as a cartel, and practice censorship against this man, and get away with it, then they can do the same against any citizen of America.  Some of these companies already have a bias against God, Christ, Christianity, and the Bible, and the men who teach and preach the truths of God's Word over the Internet, TV, and radio.   So, will "men of God" be the next ones to be refused "freedom of speech" by these companies, and denied the use of their facilities?  Then where will it go from there?  
     I remind our readers that "...a little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump," 1 Corinthians 5:6.   
      Bible study and prayer have already been removed from the schools of America by the Supreme Court.  How do our readers then think the court will rule on this censorship of Alex Jones when the case is brought before them by this cartel of communication companies?     
    There is already a movement underway to remove Bibles from all public buildings, such as libraries, court houses, government offices, hospitals, jails, prisons, or any building which receives any amount of financial support from the government.
     So if these communication companies suceed in imposing censorship on Alex Jones, then what happens to our "freedom of speech" and our American Constitution?  Folks, it appears to me, that "the handwriting is on the wall."
     Our Time Has Come
     By the grace of God, I have been enabled in this study, to show that every generation of Christian believers throughout this dispensation has had to suffer for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and God's inspired Word.  Now it glaringly appears that our time has come.  All the "signs" of imminent persecution upon true Bible believers are staring us in the face.  The wicked are quietly and cleverly rising into positions of power, not only in the national government, but even in local communities, while at this same time many "professing Christians" are spiritually sleeping, Revelation 3:15-16.
     As a nation and people, we have tolerated the murder of the innocent unborn, the legalization of homosexuality and homosexual marriage, and now we are faced with the loss of our "freedom of speech."  Are Christian believer's going to "tolerate" this too?  Or, will our readers work and witness, and fast and pray,  as never before about the situation we are entering right now?   Our readers hold the answer to this question.  
The Only Hope
     The only hope of escaping what is coming upon America is "the blessed hope," Titus 2:11-15.  Now will some of our readers really get serious about studying the prophetic Word, and pray earnestly and often for the Lord to come for His people? Luke 12:37.  
     Will those who "profess" to be Christians get serious about proclaiming the Word of God, and witnessing to your own loved ones, friends, and neighbors?   
     I have long believed that the Lord Jesus Christ will come just in the nick of time to keep His Church Bride and His people from being wiped out [destroyed] by the wicked.  In view of the present situation developing right now, we will soon see if I have believed correctly.  
     But while we wait for our Lord to come, every true believer should be praying daily and earnestly for our Lord's coming to resurrect and rapture His people to glory.  Matthew 24:45-46 and Luke 12:37-38 have never been more relevant than they are today.  Are our readers listening?
     Tell me, dear readers, are we believers today any less deserving of having our faith "tested" by persecution and suffering,  than all of the believers in previous generation before us?  In His letter to the church at Laodicea, the Lord didn't seem to think so!   
     So what if it does come to being arrested, imprisoned, or worse, for the terrible crime of being a "Christian," owning a Bible, preaching the gospel over the air, or in public, before the Lord comes?    How many who "profess" to be Christians today will faithfully stand for the Lord and His Word, and with His people?  
     Remember what the Lord Jesus Himself said, "Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven.
     But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in heaven," Matthew 10:32-33.  
     I hope and pray that every reader of my Bible Studies, will stand true and faithful to our Lord, when and if, the Lord God permits this "time of testing" to come upon His church and people before He comes.   
     Dear readers, you have my message of warning! What you do with it is now between you and the Lord.  Please remember this old preacher of the Word in your prayers.  
     May the Lord God add His blessings to this study.  
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