Fay (26 Aug 2018)
"Terrifying Rubbish"

Will you just look at this utter buffoon without wanting to weep? The way the media portray him is sickening. And this IDIOT is depicted as the face of "Christianity".  Our Father, who art in Heaven - sullied be thy Name.

This pope has recently decided to apologize to victims of catholic priestly sexual child abuse. Really? After all these years? It would be semi acceptable if these hideous incidences were few and far between. the apologies might....at a stretch... be accepted. But, these abuses were, and are, world wide. Hundreds of cases over the years. Thousands of cases. Beautiful, innocent, vulnerable children. I want to be sick, it makes me so angry.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. PLEASE read Matthew 7:16-20 below the first link. A corrupt tree will bring forth evil fruit. It's SUCH an important passage. I cannot think of one good thing the Catholic church has brought forth. Other than chaos, lies and confusion. They have taken the gospel and twisted, contorted and corrupted it. Using it for financial gain. Shame be upon them. The Vatican hierarchy will pay for this. Revenge is a dish best served cold and revenge belongs to the LORD.

Smiling Pope Francis steps off his plane for visit to Ireland

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 7:16-20 - New International Version