Fay (26 Aug 2018)
"Out of this World"

I was riveted when coming across this news article today. Simply because I have seen this for myself. It was awhile back when I was pregnant. Readers and contributors to Doves will have read this story, as I have told it before. It is the most mind-boggling phenomenon. I would have seriously doubted myself if my very sensible husband hadn't been in the car with me and witnessed it for himself. The "orb" that we saw was high in the sky and traveling in the same direction as we were going. Then it shot down - causing my husband to slam on brakes - and zooted across the windscreen....before surging back up into the night sky. We both just sat there in shock. Utter, gobsmacked shock. I have since done a lot of research on orbs. They were seen in WW2 by the war plane pilots. The Germans thought they were a secret British weapon and the Brits thought they were a German weapon. They were named "Foo Fighters" Please google this and see for yourselves. I also watched a documentary about the Marfa Lights. The same phenomenon. And when I saw that orb descending on the Temple Mount - back in 2011 - I recognised it.

Please understand that I am not crazy and would never lie to my Christian brothers and sisters. I'm far too aware of the consequences.!!!

'Ghostly orb' spotted along a country road in U.S. by driver