Fay (26 Aug 2018)
"Isn't it Strange?"

Hi John and Doves,

It has been a huge relief for me to stop having a mini meltdown every time I read the news. A wonderful release from extreme anxiety. I have placed it all in the LORD's hands - where it has always been. I just had to truly believe and recognise that. I am still outraged at all the utter bilge that is going on but it's outrage from a distant place. It no longer pierces me or causes me to lose sleep. Almighty God is fully in charge.

Don't you all find it strange that President Trump has been under fire for the recent Stormy Daniels brouhaha? The POTUS has admitted that he paid off this publicity / money hungry slattern. Just not from campaign funds! That makes it alright then....LOL. The point I'm making about this "Stormy in a teacup" (see what I did there?) is that it all came about around the same time that President Trump announced that Israel will have to pay a high price in return for his recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moving the US embassy to said capital. Whoa, Mr President - wrong move!  

It's ALWAYS a bad idea to wander off the path of God's protection. Evil people - like Georgie Boy in the link below - are used by God to fulfill prophecy. We all have free will and when we walk with God, we are protected from evil. The minute we veer from His path - evil has open season. It is always our choice.

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and the soon return of our LORD Jesus.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus. Please.

The shocking Soros 'Speech Code Cartel' memo - WND - WND