Elliot Hong (26 Aug 2018)
"Hurricane Lane, Rainbow during Aretha Franklin Tribute, Elul and Katrina"

Dear Doves:

1) Hawaii went through severe sufferings of volcanic eruption, earthquake and fire.

     Yet another disaster of hurricane is hitting the Big Island.

     Why Hawaii?

     I find an answer in the youtube message of Godshealer7.

     "I have called you to repent. I have called you to return to Me. I have sent many to warn you. I am showing you My wrath.

      The storms, fires, earthquakes, raging seas...can you see what I'm doing to the earth? I'm trying to wake you up yet you

      sleep. I am grieved by your behavior. I see everything. I will turn you over to your own lusts and desires. Repent and return

      now! The beast is ready to take power."

     This message shows that God uses Hawaii, the 50th(Liberation) State and the disasters as signs to wake up sleeping churches.

     Perhaps this Hurricane Lane could be the last warning before the Judgment begins.

2) Rainbow appeared at Detroit Tigers game during the Tribute of Aretha Franklin who died on 8/16/18.

     Rainbow represents Promise, and it's 177 days from the death of Billy Graham to the death of Aretha Franklin.

     Could her death be a sign?

     Could the promise that the Lord will come shortly after the death of Billy Graham be fulfilled soon?

     10 days from 8/16 is the full moon of Elul.

3) Friedrich Wenz's post "Elul: The King is in the Field" reminded me Genesis 24:63-65 that Isaac waited his bride in the field.

     It's a shadow that the Lord meets His Bride in the air(field).

     Also the full moon of Elul represents the final harvest of wheat in the field.

4) Hurricane Lane reminded me Hurricane Katrina which was the worst disaster in the US history.

     It hit New Orleans on 8/29 13 years ago, and 13 means Apostasy and Rebellion.

     The tragedy of Katrina will be repeated in a much worse state on a national scale soon.

For these reasons, the full moon of Elul on 8/26 is for high alert.

If nothing happens on 8/26, the next high watch day is 8/29.

The last day of Elul(9/9) is a good possibility as well.
