Chance (5 Aug 2018)
"Israel's Pre-Messianic Wake-Up Call:  Earthquakes, Eclipses, Divine Signs"


A Week of Earthquakes, Eclipses, and Other Divine Signs

Several rabbis are pointing to last week’s rare lunar eclipse and continued earthquakes as a divine pre-Messianic wake-up call. In fact, it isn’t only the rabbis. Even Arab sources are labeling the recent earthquakes as part of the end-of-days conflict centered around Jerusalem.

On Friday, Israel witnessed two natural phenomena: a 4.2 magnitude earthquake struck the northern Kinneret area at noon and as the sun set, a total lunar eclipse hung overhead, turning the moon deep crimson. The eclipse was remarkably rare: the longest lunar eclipse seen over the skies of Israel in more than a century.

The earthquake was remarkable, but not for its rarity. It was the second of the week and the most recent in a series that has shaken northern Israel in the past several weeks. On a practical level, this is alarming since Israel is situated along the Syrian-African rift, a tear in the earth’s crust running the length of the border separating Israel from Jordan, extending from northern Syria to Mozambique.The last major earthquake in Israel struck in 1927, a 6.2-magnitude tremor that killed 500 people and injured another 700Experts have warned a large earthquake could strike Israel in the near future, and the government has begun funding projects for public buildings to be bolstered against tremors.

If the recent wave of earthquakes are a sign of things to come, it may have Messianic meaning. Massive earthquakes in Israel are prophesied to accompany the multinational Gog and Magog conflict  that will signal the end of times.

Rabbi Yosef Berger, the Rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, feels that signs the Messiah is imminent are so prevalent they cannot be ignored.

“It is impossible to say specifically what is the meaning of heavenly signs but it is absurd to ignore the signs when they are clearly happening, and happening in a most unusual manner,” Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News.  “In addition to the earthquakes and the lunar eclipse, a huge stone fellfrom the Western Wall on the day after the Tisha B’Av fast,” Berger said. “God put the sun and the moon in the heavens as signs, for us to pay attention to. With all these signs coming together, how can you not pay heed?”

 more at the link....

 Hello John and Doves, 

Earthquakes in Israel are not common - and lately there has been an uptick; it's the timing of them with the lunar eclipse, the movements of Russia, Iran, and Turkey, the 70th anniversary/Jerusalem the capital/nation-state declaration, etc. that are focusing our attention on the Middle East and Bible prophecy.

