Luis Vega (26 Aug 2017)


Reversing the Curses

by Luis B. Vega for online PDF illustrations in Charts section

'As soon as Jesus was baptized, He went up out of the water. At that moment Heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a Dove and alighting on Him. And a voice from Heaven said, This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased...Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.' - Matthew 3:16-4:1

The purpose of this study is to chart the apparent 40-day pattern that Jesus was in the wilderness after His baptism by John. The study will attempt to show a correlation to the 40-day Elul Prophetic Pattern of repentance that could lend some evidence as to when Jesus’ ministry began and how long it was. The month of Elul is the 6th month with 29 days based on the Civil Year count. The month of Tishrei would thus be the 7th month with 30 days. The 7th month begins the last 3 of the 7 major Feasts of YHVH to conclude with a 7-day feast, that of Sukkot. The month of Elul is when the 40 day marker starts to include the time of Tehsuvah or repentance. This study suggests that this Elul 1 timeframe can be and is a prophetic template that unlocks other prophecies. 

There is some discrepancy in that the ‘head’ of the year, that being Rosh HaShanah has been changed by the Rabbinical Jews contrary to what YHVH prescribed to Moses that Nisan would be the New Year, or Religious New Year in the Spring. Nonetheless, the 40-day countdown is what was given to the prophet Jonah in his warning to the city of ancient Nineveh. At the 40th day, the king, people and empire repented as did even Jonah on the account that he did not want to perform this work of evangelism to the enemies of YHVH’s People at that time and being non-Hebrews although they were Semitic, racially. It is thus postulated that if the prophetic pattern is applied to Jesus’ ministry, He was baptized by John on the Jordan River just before or on Elul 1.

It was at this time that Jesus was presented publically and shown His divine credentials as being ‘The Chosen One’ of the Father whom ‘was well pleased’. From that time, Jesus was said to have been led to the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights. It was here that He endured the time of testing as the ‘Lamb of GOD’ had to be. This time was one of repentance, not for Himself as Jesus was sinless from birth but that on behalf of Eve, Adam and Humanity, Jesus took the place as the 2nd Adam at that place and time. Jesus did what Eve failed to do in overcoming the temptation on 3 levels. It is well taught that the 3 sins that led Eve to cause the fall of all of Humanity are reduced to what 1 John 2:16 outlines. The account of Genesis relates how these same 3 temptations overcame Eve and caused the Fall. These same temptations are in play, even now and plague Humanity.

Jesus came as the 2nd Adam to reverse the curse and overcome the temptation on behalf of Humanity. What was the key or difference? The difference was and is the Word of YHVH. It is not found in the Koran or other ‘holy books’ of man’s vain philosophies. It is what Jesus used to overcome each temptation and this after fasting and being at the most physical, mental and psychological weakest point humanly possible. Consider that it was Jesus’ humanity here that was tempted and Jesus, being fully GOD and Man, did not rely on His divine power, other than to be led by the Holy Spirit, etc. These are the sins of Eve, delineated and how Jesus overcame.

Eve                                          1 Peter 2:19                Jesus
1. It was good to eat.                          The desires of the flesh.     Tempted to turn stone to bread.
2. That which was attractive.             The desires of the eyes.     Tempted to test fate off pinnacle of Temple.
3. Seek to dominate.                          The pride of life.                   Tempted to possess Kingdom.

Jesus’ sword was the ‘sayings of YHVH”, the Rhema’s found in the Devarim or the book of Deuteronomy. Devarim means, the ‘Spoken Words’. It is the last or 5th of the books of Moses in the Torah. It basically specifies of the contract of the Covenant made between YHVH and Israel, as a husband to a wife in a marriage contract and covenant also. This recounting was given by Moses to the congregation in the desert just before entering in the Promised Land. The following are the specific weapons or words used by Jesus in each account based on this Covenant or promise made between each other.


The Testing of the Messiah                                                             Solution
1 Make bread out of stones to relieve his own hunger.                    Deuteronomy 8:1-3
2 Jump from a pinnacle and rely on Angels to break His fall.           Deuteronomy 6:16
3 Worship Lucifer in return for all the Kingdoms of the world.           Deuteronomy 6:13

In one sense, Jesus at this time technically defeated Lucifer, sin and the world. What was required next was to proclaim this ‘good news’ to Israel first and then to the Gentiles as a type of Prophet Jonah. The enactment of the work was to be initiated by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus by way of the cross. The 40th day occurred on Yom Kippur, or 10 days after the Feast of Trumpets. These 10 days are called the ’10 Days of Awe’. If the prophetic pattern is what occurred, then it was in the synagogue of Nazareth where then Jesus was given the Scroll in which the reading for that day was Isaiah 61. It was the portion of Scripture that proclaimed the Year of Jubilee, the setting ‘free of the captives that sat in darkness’, etc.

Amazing, as it has been noted over the centuries is that Jesus did not read the 2nd portion of the text that specifies the ‘vengeance of our GOD”. That day is reserved in full measure for the ‘Wrath of the Lamb’ to come after the Rapture of the Bride of Christ. It was at that time that even as a typology, the sending off of the scapegoat to be hurled off a cliff is what occurred with Jesus to a certain extent. As the Last Prophet of YHVH had ‘no honor in his own home’, the Elders of Zion of the Synagogue were irate and skeptical of his credentials and sought with the crowd to throw Jesus off the cliff outside of the town. This occurrence followed the prophetic script of the Scapegoat that would be released on Yom Kippur as Jesus came to be the Scapegoat, the Lamb of GOD that was foreshadowing the coming day at the Cross of Calvary.

As a foreshadowing of the prophet Jonah, Jesus concludes the 40 days of repentance for the nation of Israel and He becomes the Atonement. On Yom Kippur could be the foreshadowing of the Passover Lamb, the Scapegoat at the Cross of Calvary.  It would be Bar Abbas, another ‘Son of the Father’ that would be chosen instead to be set free as Jesus was bound. Based on this Elul Prophetic Pattern, it would appear that indeed, Jesus started His 40-day testing in the wilderness on Elul 1 or the day after. This has amazing ramifications as that year was thus an end to a Sabbatical Year Cycle on one hand and the start of Jesus’ public ministry on the other.


This study postulates that Jesus’ ministry was for 1260 days or 3.5 years based off a 360 day/year count with an additional 30 days or month to consider a leap year and the 40 day time of testing for a total of 1290 days. This study supports the hypothesis that Jesus was born on September 11, -3 BC. This means that Jesus was thus 30 years old by 10 days when He read publically from Isaiah. Jesus was 29 years old at the time of His baptism that correlated to the later part of August, usually around the 20-22nd. What was also astronomically significant is how the following alignments occurred at His birth. The following are the Star alignments that converged at Jesus’ birth in Leo and Virgo.

1. Jupiter at King Star Regulus in Leo = Trumpets
2. Mercury ‘birthed’ in Virgo on 20th   = Yom Kippur
3. Venus ‘birthed’ in Virgo on 29th      = End of Sukkot

The year was 28 AD and based on the Star of David astronomical alignment that occurred on -5 BC, one also occurred on 28 AD to configure a ‘bookend’ of sorts, astronomically. Thus, if one would count 1290 days from Yom Kippur, it would result in April 1, 32 AD. This, date would correlated to when the lambs would be ‘tested’ or inspected for 10 days. This would also correlate to when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the donkey and was ‘inspected’ by the Elders of Zion for 10 days as well. However if one counts from when the Feast of Sukkot was finished in September 30 or October 2, 28 AD, thus the count corresponds to April 14, 32 AD which is the day of the crucifixion per this study’s argument. However, there is an 11-day discrepancy based on the switch from Julian to Gregorian calendar.

1. From Yom Kippur on Sep 20, 28 AD + 1290 = Apr 1, 32 AD
2. From end of Sukkot on Oct 2, 28 AD + 1290 = Apr 13, 32 AD

The April 13, 32 AD date would corroborate the theory that Jesus died at this time and coincided with the midnight Blood Moon as it was during the 1st Passover in Egypt. What this study further seeks to examine is that this Elul 1 pattern with its 40 days of repentance and ‘testing’ can be extended and applied to the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD and more amazingly when the 3rd Temple could be rebuilt also. If one uses this same prophetic blueprint of a 40 day-to-year conversion as a countdown, the similarities are amazing. In the 1st Elul Prophetic Pattern, the countdown would occur approximately about halfway into Jesus’ ministry, which would be about the year 30 AD. This would set the stage as at that time, Jesus cursed the Fig Tree that represent Israel for having nor ‘fruit’ of repentance.

Perhaps Jesus’ ministry started the 40-year Elul Prophetic Pattern countdown that amazing coincided on a prophetic type of a Yom Kippur, that of the 9th of Av around the 8-11th of August in 70 AD. As Yom Kippur is when the nation is said to be weighed in the balance, in this case, it was found wanting or deficient. It was from that time forward that the Jewish Diaspora occurred and the nation of Israel, which was in fact the last Tribe of Judah along with the Levites and Benjamin were sent into the nations. Sadly, in this case, prophetically Israel as a nation succumbed to the 3 sins of Eve and likewise caused the fall of the whole nation and its posterity. However, as part of the reversal of the curse of the Fig Tree, the grafting-in of the Gentiles occurred due to Israel’s sin.

Kingdom Proclaimed                                                              Destruction of 2nd Temple
Israel Rejecting Jesus                                                                                               9th of Av
|-------------------------------------------- Elul 1 Prophetic Pattern --------------------------------------|
30 AD                                          (40 Years)                                                70 AD

Due to the eternal Covenant between YHVH and Abraham, 1 Tribe was allowed to remain, that of King David’s and from where the Messiah came and will come again, Jesus the Root of Jesse and Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Thus in 1948, the same amount of timespan there was from Adam to Abraham and from Abraham to Jesus was and is the prophetic template to have Israel reborn as foretold by Isaiah. Then subsequently in 1967 the Old City and Temple Mount were secured back from the Muslims. This is one apparent affirmation that the Elul Prophetic Pattern is prophetic and in play. The last component of this restoration is the reconstitution of the 3rd Temple.

6 Day War                                                                                  Noah’s Flood Anniversary
Jerusalem recaptured                                                                     Countdown to 3rd Temple

June 7, 1967                                                                                               November 8, 2006
|-------------------------------------------- Elul 1 Prophetic Pattern --------------------------------------|
1967                          (40 Years x 360day/year = 14400 days                           2006

Based on the Olive Discourse, the Nation, the City and the Temple are a prerequisite that have to be in place during the Last Days when Jesus returns. As Jesus came to revere the curse that was caused by the Fall of Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden, so too is Christ Jesus working to likewise reverse the Curse of the Fig Tree for His Earthly People. Likewise, until Jesus’ 2nd coming, He is individually seeking to reverse the curse for each human on Earth. However, it is incumbent on each human to avail themselves of this condition of a need for repentance before the atonement can be accredited to one’s spiritual and fallen condition.


What this study also incorporates into the timelines is the factor of the phi ratio that appears to be at the core of the prophetic patterns of the Creator. For example in the 1st Elul Prophetic Pattern concerning Jesus’ testing in the wilderness, the phi ratio from Elul 1 to the Yom Kippur date has the fulcrum start at the Feast of Trumpets. In the 2nd Elul Prophetic Pattern concerning the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD, the phi ratio from 30 AD where the Fig Tree was ‘cursed’ and Jesus’ ministry was at an approximate midpoint, the type of Yom Kippur occurred on the 9th of Av in August of 70 AD. The fulcrum of the phi ratio spiral at 60 AD.

This factors in the 10 year countdown like the 10 Days of Awe that saw the nation of Israel ‘judged’ on the prophetic type of Yom Kippur, that being the 9th of Av. In the 3rd type or overlay of the Elul Prophetic Pattern has to do with the countdown to the 3rd Temple from 1967. When using the 14400 day count, the phi ratio pattern amazing corresponds to the delineation of the Fall Feasts of YHVH starting with the end of Trumpets, to the beginning of Tom Kippur and concluding on the type of the end of Sukkot on 5777 or 2017 and corresponding to the start of 5778 with Shemini Atzeret. This is just another possible confirmation of the Elul Prophetic Pattern that could be prophetic and in play and about to be fulfilled in one’s lifetime.

Will one see the event that will lead to the final ‘cure’ of the Fig Tree, Israel in that sometime in 2018, a monumental event will lead to the end of the Church Age and the construction of the 3rd Temple? As a test of the power of YHVH and His plan for Israel’s redemption and reversal of the curse, the 3rd overlay of the Elul Prophetic Pattern since the 6-Day War is amazing to consider and its implications. If one adds the 14400 days from the recapture of Jerusalem, the end point will be the anniversary of Noah’s Flood that occurred on November 8, 2006. From the fulcrum of this prophetic template of 2006, the 10 years prior correlated to a type of Trumpets time, that of 1996. Looking forward, the 12 days or years from the type of Yom Kippur ‘judgement’ of 2006 would be 2018.

                                                       Elul 1 Prophetic Pattern             

6 Day War                                                        Flood Anniversary             New World Order?
Jerusalem recaptured                                                                                               3rd Temple?

June 7, 1967                                                           November 8, 2006                              A Gathering?            
|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------(
ɸ ratio)--------------------|
1967       (40 Years x 360day/year = 14400 days)       2006                                             2018
‘Elul’                                                                                 ‘Yom Kippur’                         Shemini Atzeret’?               

As this year ends on an 8, it is reminiscent of the 8th Day of Assembly, Shemini Atzeret which would constitute the 13th year. Based on the Elul Prophetic Pattern, could this gathering of the ‘Assembly’ to the King that reads the Law be correlated prophetically to the gathering of the Bride of Christ to Heaven to be around the Throne of YHVH and witness the Lamb of GOD, the Lion of Judah as the King reads from the Seal Judgment to come? Realize that if that will be the case, the counterfeit will occur on Earth with the AntiChrist. He too will ‘sit’ in the Holy of Holies and surround himself with his false Elders of Zion and pronounce judgments on the inhabitants of the Earth, i.e., the Mark of the Beast, etc. Thus if the Elul Prophetic Pattern is valid, the cycle appears to be concluding fairly soon and a subsequent time of ‘testing’ is to commence, that of the Daniel’s last Week of Years.

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