Fay (26 Aug 2017)
"Time to go Home"

This outrage from a kindergarten school. There has been terrible bullying in schools forever, which the teachers seemed to ignore. To the point that children were terrified to tell anyone as it made the bullying worse. The teachers were not so vigilant................. but, for THIS kak, a little girl is sent to the Principal??? I vividly remember a fellow mother who was a screaming liberal. She gave her children books with diagrams on different sexual positions and choosing your own sexuality..... blah retch blah. Without any bigotry or hidden agenda, I can tell you that she was barking mad. Weird. Fake. She fancied herself as liberated and artistic. A "free spirit". Looking back, I see, clearly, that she was really, really dull and pretentious and simply attempting to define herself as interesting and different. Her screwed up adult children are testament to her parenting.
