Judith (28 Aug 2016)
"Biblical Timeline w/Cycle Patterns"

Biblical Timeline w/Cycle Patterns
A completed condensed study to date w/Rapture and
Tribulation dates
This study will hopefully create a better and more useful
method for you to better understand and effectually
It's simplicity, along with a remarkable timeline, demon-
strates how numbers, when calculated and assembled
correctly, form comprehensive patterns and numerical
This should  produce a logical and believable
study that will ultimately lead to how near we are to the
Blessed Hope. This will require some indepth time and
study on the readers part.
I realize this type of study is not for everyone, but I'm
posting this for the few that may want to tackle it. I
hope this condensed study will be a blessing.
2520 YEARS - The Exodus - (on the 360/day calendar)
In order to proceed, it will be helpful to review the 2520 yr.
study which, IMO, produces the evidence for the beginning
year of the Exodus. The 2520 years is significant in that it
is one of the duplicated patterns in the timeline cycle.
This would correspond to our 2483.8 on the 365.25/day
calendar. (see link.....
3650.3 - Begin Babylon Captivity - (on the 360/day calendar)
3650.3 yrs. (July 7) starts with the 3rd Deportation of the
Jewish captives and final destruction/burning of Solomon's sacred
Temple. This would correspond to our 3597.8 on our 365.25/day
calendar - (see 2 Kings 25:8 & Jeremiah 1:3). The 3597.8
happens to be 585/586 bce.
Also see the significance of the July 7 date which is found in Exodus
at the time Moses is on Mt. Sinai with God. (see the following link for
a comprehensive study......
Also, you'll need the completed Calendar Timeline Study
which minor changes have been omitted due to the fact that
I no longer have the original on my computer whereby I could
make some of the minor changes/additions. This will not
effect the outcome, however. See link..........
Current Year/Month on Six (6) Calendars -
On the 365.25/day calendar.......
2016.5; 5777; 6199.5 - ( Using September 15 date)
Corresponding years on the 360/day calendar.......
2045.9; 6289.9 - (Using February 13 date)
5861.2 - (December 14 date)
Note: The Jewish calendar begins on Sept. 1 which is the civil
calendar; whereas the religious calendar begins on March 1.
These are the two calendar start dates used in these studies.
Relevant Feast Dates Corresponding to Study Timelines -

These are the initial/original biblical dates recorded in the
Bible with the exception of the birth of Christ * along with
the corresponding relevant dates used in this study.
These Biblical Feast dates are recorded and will be cele-
brated for eternity - unaltered and unchanged as we
currently observe on the Jewish calendar - IMO.

Initial Biblical Dates -

FEAST OF TRUMPETS - August 30/September 1, 2520.5 yrs. from
Adam (360/day)
FEAST OF TRUMPETS - June 8/9, 2484.3. yrs. from Adam
RESURRECTION - August 30/September 1, 4275.5 (31.5 a,d,)
(360/day) - In Fall
RESURRECTION - March 17/18, 4214 - (31 ad) (365.25/day)
In Spring
Corresponding Study Date -

Possible start of Rapture August 31/September l, 2016.5/
6199.5/5777 (365.25/day) which dates now corresponds to
January 28/29 2045.9/6289.9 (360/day) and November
30/December 1, 5861.2 (360/day.)
What's interesting is the June 8/9 date when, according to
II Kings 25:3, the King of Babylon and his army surrounded
the city of Jerusalem. Also, there was great famine in the
land - literally no food. Then on July 7 Jerusalem and the
Temple was set on fire - this was in the 19th yr. of the
King - (See II Kings25:8).
The comparison of the June 9th date, i.e. the FEAST OF
TRUMPETS to our June 9th date which is when the 6-day
war ended, is startling. Could it be that the Rapture or
Tribulation will be on FEAST OF TRUMPETS in recognition
of the INITIAL dates of September 1 and June 9th? Think
about it - WOW! This is all relevant to the 2520 year
study which lays the foundation for what is presented
here. Again, here is the link to that very important
Possible/Probable Birth Date of Christ -

BIRTH OF CHRIST- September 4/5/6, 1.5 b.c.e.; 4242.5 (360/day)
BIRTH OF CHRIST- September 9/10/11, 1.5 b.c.e.; 4181.5 (365.25/day)

Corresponding Study Date -
Possible start of Rapture or Tribulation September 4/5/6,
2016.5/6199.5/5777 (365.25) which dates now corresponds
to February 2/3/4, 2045.9/6289.9 (360/day) and December
4/5/6, 5861 (360/day)..
February 3 was the date for the COMPLETION OF TEMPLE
at the end of the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY- (See Ezra 6:15).
September 10 is also the DAY OF ATONEMENT- (See below)
Also, September 10 is the day to begin the JUBILEEyear (See
below) - possibly the start of Rapture or Tribulation.
Initial Biblical Dates -

DAY OF ATONEMENT - September 9/10/11, 2520.5 (360/day) -
(See Lev. 23:27
DAY OF ATONEMENT - June 17/18/19, 2484.2 (365.25/day)
BIRTH OF CHRIST - September 9/10/11, 1.5 b.c.e. - 4181.5
(365.25/day) *
BIRTH OF CHRIST - September 4/5/6, 1.5 b.c.e. 4242.5
(360/day) *
JUBILEE ** - September 9/10/11, 2520.5 (360/day) -
JUBILEE ** - June 17/18/19, 2484.2 (365.25/day)

**JUBILEE occurs at the end of the 49th year and begins the 50th
year - (See Lev. 25:8). - The above 2520.5 is the 1st year of the
49 years to begin JUBILEE.
NOTE: In the calendar study the beginning count for our current
calendar of 2016.5/6199.5; 5777 yrs. (365.25/day) - 2045.9/6289.9
yrs. (360/day) and begins on the same date of March 1, 4244 (360/day) -
March 1, 4183 (365.25/day).

Corresponding Study Dates -

Possible start of Rapture or Tribulation September 9/10/11,
2016.5; 5777; 6199.5 (365.25) which dates now corresponds to
February 12/13/14, 6289.9/2045.9 & December 9/10, 5861.2
February 13 was the INITIAL date for the FEAST OF PURIM (360/
day) - (See Esther 8:12) (See PURIM below).
December 10 (360/day) was the date for the 1st Deportation of
the Babylonian Captivity (See II Kings 25:1. Also, December 10
was the date Solomon began building the Temple (365.25/day) -
April 3 on 360/day - (see 2 Chronicles 3:1-2.
The June 17 is amazing since it was the initial date for the
DAY OF ATONEMENT (365.25/day) and now corresponds to
the June 17, 1967 date (365.25/day). It was on that day when
Moshe Dayan relinquished the Temple Mount over to Jordan's
control after the miraculous victory of June 7 when they
captured the Temple Mount - (See link)....
September 10 also completes 49 years from June 10, 1967.3 - the
year Israel captured Jerusalem and the Temple Mount (which
control relinquished they to Jordan)........1967.5 + 49 yrs. = 2016.5
(Sept. 10, 2016.5). The 1967 year corresponds to May 20, 1996.2;
6240.2 (360/day). Will this be our JUBILEE? 

This will complete 49.7 years on the 360/day - from May 20, 1996.2;
6240.2 (360/day) + 49.7 years = February 13/14, 2045.9; 6289.9.
I find this interesting........49.7 + 7.2 (7 yrs. Trib. + the 75 days of
Daniel) = 56.9 which is 1 month short of completing 50 yrs and 7 yrs.
totaling 57 years. The 7 years completes the 490 years of Daniel
while after the completion of 50 years begins another 49 year cycle
into the MILLENIUM which could mean the MILLENIUM will end at the
beginning of a JUBILEE year. That's really interesting to me and strong
evidence for this study.
So, back to the missing 1 month from February 13/14, 2045.9; 6289.9.
This is suggesting to me that the Tribulation will begin 30 days later -
after the September 10, 2016.5; 6199.5; 5777 dates which would be
March 13/14, 2046; 6290; and we know this to be PASSOVER
(See below).

Initial Biblical Dates -
PASSOVER - March 14/15, 2520 yrs. from Adam (360/day)
PASSOVER - December 24/25, 2483.8 yrs. from Adam (365.25/day)
PASSOVER fulfilled - March 14/15, 4214; 31 a.d. - (365.25/day)
PASSOVER fulfilled - August 27/28, 4275.5; 31 a.d. (350/day)
RESURRECTION - August 30/September 1, 4275.5 31.5 a.d. (360/day)
RESURRECTION - March 17/18, 4214 - 31 a.d. (365.25/day)
ASCENSION - April 26/27, 4214.1; 31 a.d. (365.25/day)
ASCENSION - October 11/12, 4275.6; 31.6 a.d. (360/day)
PENTECOST - May 6/7, 4214.2; 31.2 a.d. (365.25/day)
PENTECOST - October 21/22, 4275.6; 31.6 a.d. (360/day)
PURIM - February 13/14 (360/day)
Corresponding Study Dates -

The CALENDAR STUDY (see link given above) shows the BABYLONIAN
CAPTIVITY ended in the year 3720.3, July 6/7 (360/day) from Adam
523.7 b.c.e. - which corresponds to 3666.8, February 13/14 (365.25/day)
516.2 b.c.e. = PURIM date. Also, when adding the 49.6 years of Daniel
9:25 to the 3720.3 (360/day) and then adding the number of years
to the EGYPTAIN PASSOVER of 2520 brings the total to 6289.9; 2045.9
PURIM again (360/day) which corresponds to our 2016.5; 6199.5; 5777
(365.25/day) and the ATONEMENT & JUBILEE & BIRTH OF CHRIST!!
NOTE : See JULY 7 study link......

3720.9 = PURIM - February 13 - 524.7 b.c.e.
+ 49
3769.9 = PURIM - February 13 - 474.1 b.c.e.
2520    = PASSOVER - March 14/15
6289.9 = PURIM - February 13 -2045.9 a.d.

ON THE 365.25/DAY

3666.8 = PURIM - February 13 - 516.2 b.c.e
3715.7 = December 4/5 - 467.3 b.c.e.
2483.8 = PASSOVER - December 24/25
6199.5 = ATONEMENT & BIRTH OF JESUS & JUBILEE - 2016.5; 5777 a.d.
IF the Rapture should occur on Sept. 10/11, 2016 (365.25/day) - 2045.9
February 13/14 (360/day), and IF the Tribulation would start 31 days
later that would be PASSOVER March 14/15, 6290; 2046 (360/day) which
corresponds to our October 11/12, 2016.6; 6199.6; 5777.1 which
happens to be the same date as the ASCENSION in 4275.6 (360/day).
(See Calendar Study)
The year March 14/15, 6290; 2046 (360/day) (our October 11/12, 2016.6;
6199.6; 5777.1) completes the 50 years on the 360/day + 7.2 for Tribulation
= 6297.2 -(our September 4/5, 2023.5; 6206.5; 5777 - also the BIRTHDAY
OFJESUS on the 360/day.)

NOTE: There are 2 leap days during the 7 yr. period + the extra 35 days
difference in the 7 year 360 and 365.25/day calendar = 37 days to subtract
at the end of the tribulation on the 365.25/day calendar. That brings the
October 11/12 date back to September 4/5.
This is where it gets interesting........when adding the additional 75 days
of Daniel 12:11, brings the end of those days to May 29/30 on the 360/day
and November 18/19 on the 365.25/day. Here's where it gets interesting -
if you add an additional 5 days, that brings the dates to June 4/5 (360/day)
(start of the 6/day war in 1967) and November 23/24 (365.25/day) which
is the day prophesied in Haggai 2:18-19..........

 "......from this day on, I will bless you".

So, that's it! Hope this blesses you.
In any event, we know His coming is near. Keep looking up and be joyful
as we await our Blessed Hope.