I said last time that the 7 cities are a key to understanding Revelation. Thyatira is the 4th of the 7 cities and can mean "the taking away of the sacrifice." It will be in the 4th of the 7 years of Daniel 9 that the sacrifice will be taken away. This is no coincidence, but the timing of all end time events will fit a pattern that is laid out by the 7 Cities and I believe that the meaning of these city names helps explain what will happen in the other 7 years as well.
Revelation is full of SEVENS, and any time you see 7 of something in Revelation, think about the 7 Cities. The meaning of the 7 city names can be seen in the 7 seals of Revelation 6-8 and the 7 trumpets in Rev 8-9. John was told not to write down what the 7 thunders said, but I'll bet the 7 Cities hint at it pretty closely. The 7 Cities is the key to answering what all the other SEVENs are about, and in the video at http://www.messiahalive.com/The7Cities.htm I give a brief explanation, but the book gives a detailed one.
If the above video fails to play, click on http://www.messiahalive.com/The7Cities.htm and watch it there.