John B (28 Aug 2016)
"The new definition for ISIS"


If you have been following the Middle East news recently you have to appreciate the new definition for ISIS

Anyone the Turks dislike in Syria and attack are called ISIS

Anyone the Russians dislike in Syria and attack are called ISIS

Anyone the U.S.A. dislikes in Syria and attack are called ISIS

Anyone Iraq dislikes in Syria and attacks are called ISIS

Anyone Saudi Arabia dislikes in Syria and attacks are called ISIS

Anyone France dislikes in Syria and attacks are called ISIS

Anyone the UK dislikes in Syria and attacks are called ISIS

Anyone Syria dislikes in Syria and attacks are called ISIS

And the list goes on and on…….


All these countries are bombing other countries proxy troops and getting away with it……… all they have to say is I was bombing ISIS. Everyone has their own agenda destroying their competitors forces by just saying……Oh, I was just bombing ISIS. This appears to me as a recipe for hurt feelings and a major escalation of problems there in the Middle East.

But……. is that not what the bible describes will happen.

Insanity abounds…..

Blessings…..John B