Fay (28 Aug 2016)
"Peace Talks - Again"

Isn't it strange how the world powers are all too willing to engage in "peace talks" between Israel and the Palestinians? They almost fall over each other to be included in this dreary, dead end process. Now - it's Putin. It was France not so long ago. The French got their derrieres kicked when they over reached. Remember those flash floods? Man - Putin must be brave......or stupid...... or both. The question is why? WHY do they all want to be the one who gets the peace treaty signed with Israel? Is it a competition? Do they know something that most of the world don't.? Of course they do............... Jerusalem is First Prize, after all. 

Don't be naive - they know. They also know that we know ( Bible Believing Christians ) which is why they have declared war on us. They think that we don't know that they know that we know - but we do !! A nod in the direction of the sitcom, " Friends ". Do allow yourselves a smile at the word play..................yet recognise that it's true.

Know thine enemy. They are determined to get rid of us - denigrate us -paint us as terrorist fundamentalists on a par with muslim extremism. Oh - they KNOW. We need to become as smart and sharp as a tack. Stop thinking we are going slightly barmy. That's what they want us to feel. Let the confidence of our LORD flood your being.

Putin Said Willing to Host Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks