Denis Hart (28 Aug 2016)
"Italy Earthquake - Warning for the Church (Laity)?"

Italy Earthquake - Warning for the Church (Laity)?

(Laity is an anagram of Italy)

The earthquake in Italy may be a stronger warning than at first evident.  We are often torn between knowing that earthquakes are a signal of the Lord's imminent return and our empathy for those affected by the devastation that earthquakes bring.  It is noteworthy that the central Italy earthquake was felt in Rome!!!

It is unusual that Italy is an anagram of laity - the Church, the (non clergy) body of Christ.  Could the Italy earthquake be a sign of a shaking coming to the Church - a shaking that would be felt in (spiritual) Rome!!  A shaking in the laity (outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh) would shake the clergy too!!  Will He:

  • Shake us up (Repentance)

  • Wake us up (Awakening)

  • Take us up (Rapture)

It remains my view that there is an overcoming or remnant Church that is already ready for the return of the Bridegroom, for rapture at any time.  That would be a wake-up call for the Church!!  In any case, a shaking is coming to the Church!!

Maranatha  Denis