Bob Ware (21 Aug 2016)
"First 12 Prime Numbers with prime number placeholders yield 666 and Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'"


The sum of the first 22 prime number is 713. 713 is the prime number gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ as derived from its Greek spelling.


The sum of the first 12 prime numbers with prime number placeholders is 666 which is the number of the ‘BEAST’. 666 is also the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘HOLY BIBLE’.


The sum of running totals for these first 12 sets of primes with prime number placeholders is 2368 which is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’.


The sum of the ASCII codes for the 12 musical notes in one octave (including the 5 sharp signs) in both lower and uppercase is 2368.


The 36th triangle number is 666. The sum of the first 36 prime numbers with prime placeholders and their prime placeholders is 13,808. John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s assassination on 11.22.1963 plus 13,808 days was 9.11.2001. 11.22.2016 will be the 53rd anniversary of JFK’s assassination. 11.22.2016 will be 4524 days since the ground breaking for the new World Trade Center. 4524 is the circumference of my ‘Circle of Time’ diagram. The diameter of this circle is the 1440 minutes in a day. The inclusive diameter is 1441. The 1441st inclusive day of the current Jewish calendar cycle was 9.11.2001. 1441 is the sum of the titlecase ASCII codes for the last two books in the Bible ('Jude' and 'Revelation'). 1441 is also the 16th Star of David number.


The sum of the 26 prime numbers from the center of the ‘Prime Cross’ to the last point of the ‘Prime Cube’ is 19,478. It was 19,478 days from Israel’s rebirth on 5.14.1948 to 9.11.2001. The sum of all 51 prime numbers within the ‘Prime Cube’ (25,089) plus the sum of the first 22 prime numbers leading up to the first number of the ‘Prime Cube’ (713) is: 25,082. 25,802 is the sum of the first 49 prime numbers with prime number placeholders. 5.14.1948 plus 25,802 days will be 1.4.2019. This will be 3636 days since Obama took office on 1.20.2009. 3636 is the sum of the four points of the ‘Overall Prime Cross’ where the 153rd prime number is the center point.