Benjamin (28 Aug 2016)
""The Evidence Is In""


                                                  "The Evidence Is In"

 This world is about to be turned upside down! An earth shaking event is about to happen! Any person with any degree of awareness of the mess this world is in right now, would have to agree that something extremely huge is about to occur, world changing, and it seems like we are all just holding our breath in anticipation! Please humble yourself before God today!

 It has been said that in every ending, there is a "New Beginning", but this is not always a good thing! In the big picture, we are all being called to partake of something so wonderful, it defies our wildest imagination, sadly there are many who will not hear the call, or will not answer. It takes humility, it takes faith.     Faith in something so great, and so far beyond our finite reach, it is all we can do to believe! All of humanity, down through the ages, has been invited to experience the ultimate existence, and that being one with God. Flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bone! Something so sacred, so deep, and so new happened on that cross when His side was pierced, His Bride was born! 
 Many centuries have passed and it is now time for Him to claim "His Bride"! She will live and rule with Him for the next one thousand years here on Planet Earth! Then she will be by His side as He creates a whole new earth and universe! You too can live forever and ever without end! The choice is yours!

 Noah heard the call, and he built an ark that would preserve all life until the end of The Seventh Millennium! You see the whole world was violent, perverse, and corrupt in his day, much like it is today! God told Noah that all of humanity would have a hundred and twenty fifty year cycles, or Jubilees, (Genesis 6:3) and then it would be time for a thousand years of rest! The time has finally arrived! In early fall of 2016, this earth shaking event will occur! Since time began, those who have died in Christ will suddenly be raised immortal, then all in Christ who still live, will be caught up into the clouds to meet The Lord, and so shall we be with Him forever! Sadly, this will be a new beginning for those left behind also! The most horrific time this world will ever experience is awaiting them, and for anyone who is halfway paying attention to all the death and destruction going on, this is what you will have to look forward to, times a thousand! Repent Today while you still have a little time left!
 It is not God's will that any should perish! Right now, repent of your sinful life and humble your self and ask Jesus Christ to forgive you while there is still time. The time for doing this is quickly running out! Cry out to God now! Then get to know Him by reading His Word The Bible. The Gospel of John is a good place to start. If you have prayed and asked God for forgiveness, congratulations! All the Angels in Heaven are now rejoicing over your decision! 😊
JOHN 3:16

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