1 Cor 10:31 (28 Aug 2016)
"Elliot's previous post"

Again another oops on my part I wish to clarify:

Last week when I gave my “thumbs up” to a previous letter by you Elliot (Hong) ~ I came to realize later the only part I did not agree with was that the AntiChrist  will (or must)  confirm the peace treaty ON Rosh Hashanah….. not saying that it WON’T happen….. just saying that it does not HAVE to happen then….

Yet I do fully agree with the other – that most like the 2nd coming will be at, on, or very, very close to Rosh Hashanah of a future year…. (7 years from the start date of the Tribulation).

And if I have counted right (and in my own head I’ve added a couple extra weeks – to give the AC to be to “ramp up” to his job….. while abiding-in-the-Vine Christians are  blinking away the “I’m really here!” in heaven & rejoicing around the Throne! …… so I’ve figured the rapture may “POSSIBLY”!!! ~~ be any time between now & October 4th (which is RH this year, I think~??)


Anyway, again, just wanted to clarify.


Thank you & Maranatha!