TH (16 Aug 2015)

                    WHY THE SLAUGHTER OF (3rd World) CHRISTIANS ?

Why is GOD allowing this horrific killing to take place ?  Does it have any thing
to do with the "lateness" of the Hour? Could be, as it was unheard of just a few
short years ago. It may have gone on before but in MUCH less numbers. It seems
to be reaching a Crescendo of sorts and is definitely still increasing. Those killed  
would then become MARTYRS, would they not? This brings a serious question to
mind. Does the TYPE of Christians they are have any bearing on the situation?
We know that there are MANY TYPES of Christians.  7 "Types" are given in Rev.
and probably many more in subsets of these 7 Churches. We (at least those of us
that are "Doves")  know that here in America, we have many, many Types of
Christians all professing to be believers in CHRIST.  BUT !   Who are the people
that think of themselves as Christians, yet are told by CHRIST to " get away from
ME, I NEVER KNEW YOU? (Para.)  Sheep/Goats. What about all the people that
are members of the "Feel Good" Churches?  Most of us "know" they are the Goats.
It is "my" opinion that anyone that Completely follows Catholicism will be Judged
a Goat.  Also the "Formies" that are also referred to as "pew warmers" will be
Goats as well.  Is what's happening to those "Christians" in the M.E. & Africa being
SAVED through "Martyrdom" ....a GIFT, as merited by their Faith, in light of the
probable "incomplete" WORD availability to them?  But their hunger for the
TRUTH, (even tho they may not "hear" it from their available sources) gets GOD'S
attention and HIS MERCY.  Mercy ?  Getting your head chopped off, you call THAT
MERCY?  Yes I do !   Compared to what awaits the "luke-warm",  yes I do.  Those
people live in a brutal World and compared to a lot of what takes place in their
World, there a lot of things that are worse than a Quick death, a LOT WORSE !
Would you be willing to lose your head if it meant an absolute guarantee of Heaven ?
Scripture foretells us THIS WILL HAPPEN and it is.  RIGHT NOW !  AND it's going
to happen in America....( why did the gov. order 30M guillotines ?)  Are you going to
accept the MARK ?  No?  Then what do you think satan and his a.c. have in mind
for YOU ?   Yup !  Whack !  BUT, you are no longer a GOAT...seems like a "no-brainer"
to me. (pun intended)  Best to MAKE SURE of your relationship with HIM NOW don't
you think?  You can be SURE of a Relationship with HEAR HIS VOICE !
       HIS SHEEP HEAR HIS VOICE.....not the goats.   SEEK HIS VOICE !     NOW ! ! !

                                   MARANATHA !

                                            T H

           P.S.  I have NEVER heard anyone who hears HIS VOICE say it's not necessary.