Mathman (30 Aug 2015)
"Link to Radio Show Interview up to cutoff (rescheduled)"


Dear Doves,


Thanks for the prayers and encouragement! The radio show portion where I was mentioned or on lasted approximately 20 minutes and can be found here:


The introduction by John Baptist begins at 1:31:47, I begin talking at 1:34:32 and we are cut off at 1:50:12.  Indeed, the entire blogtalkradio site was completely taken off line at the cut off.  As a result, I have been rebooked for a show on Wednesday, September 9th starting at the same time of 9:30pm EST.


The hosts of the show, in discussions afterwards, felt that this was an enemy attack. However, we also agreed that nothing can happen without God allowing it, so He must have a great reason for the delay.  What the Lord has in store for this and the reason for the delay should be revealed at that time, but, for now, I really have no theories.


God bless you all.  It was fun, but I am already slightly nervous about coming back on, but excited. On the bright side, I will receive two more weeks of encouragement and prayers from all my great brothers and sisters on Five Doves, so I'm happy!!


*             *                  *                  *                    *                *


Brothers and sisters, are you ready to meet the Lord in the sky?  Repent and believe that grace is by faith alone and can ONLY be attained through Jesus Christ.  Get ready and leave the temptations of this world behind and ready yourself as a Bride.


Surely, time is almost up.


YbiC, MathMan