Luis Vega (16 Aug 2015)
"OBAMA’S GUN CONFISCATION - Nullifying the 2nd Amendment"


Quest to disarm the USA through orchestrated False Flags

by Luis B. Vega for online illustrations in Posters section

‘The Strongest reason for the People to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government – Thomas Jefferson

The purpose of this poster is to consider the gradual attempts of the federal government of the USA to confiscate all firearms from the People. The U.S. Constitution guarantees the People the alienable right to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment. This right was incorporated to safeguard the People primarily from the government should it go tyrannical. The Founding Fathers realized that power corrupts and that government, unchecked would seek to disarm the populace. This had been the practice of world governments and empires up until that point.

The average person was subjected by those in power that yielded executive or imperial decrees to have a defenseless serfdom to control, abuse and annihilate at will. For example, Mohandas Gandhi in his peaceful non-violent movement against the British stated that ‘among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look back upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.’ Other world dictators like Hitler realized that to fist conquer a nation, he had to disarm them. Gun control is not about preventing mass shootings; it is about controlling the People against the government. It is well documented that more people die from car accidents, ailments than gun violence all put together.

Cities that have the toughest gun laws like Chicago in the USA have the highest murder rates of the nation. This is far worse than the average U.S. soldiers that were killed during the Iraq occupation. On the contrary, it is estimated that nearly 2200 lives are saved every day in the USA by Americans that have and use guns in self-defense, according the 2nd Amendment Foundation. It is the criminal that does not abide by the law that will always acquire weaponry. It will be the law-abiding People that will stand to be defenseless when Obama’s gun confiscation goes into full force.

As it is, Senator Kerry’s pushes to have UN treaties stipulate gun confiscation as a measure and so does the secret new Trans-Pacific Partnership TTP. Hypocritically, Obama as the leader of the ‘free world’ is the largest exporter of guns, via sales to 3rd world dictators. It is well documented that the Pentagon admits it fostered, trained and gave guns to ISIS that is committing genocide and astrocytes. In a pretext to ‘bomb’ ISIS, Obama is actually bombing Assad’s infrastructure because he has been given directives from his Luciferian Money Changers to topple Assad. The UN is doing nothing about it.

Gun Wars

Obama’s former Attorney General early on in his career stated, ‘We need to do this every day of the week, and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.’ He is the one and the same that exported guns to the Mexican drug cartels and has fostered the Drug Wars that have murdered hundreds of thousands in Mexico and has been one of the main causes that has spurred on the waives of illegal immigration; all by design. All the while, Obama is calling for Americans to disarm and turn in their guns like Senator Feinstein has proposed ‘Mr. and Mrs. America’ should do. It is estimated that there are over 300,000 million pieces of fire arms in America. This was one of the primary reasons why Tojo of Japan during World War 2 could not envision a land invasion of America by Japan.

However gradual required gun registrations and restrictions will lead up to ultimate gun confiscation that will surely come to the USA. It will allow nations like China and Russia to easily have the manpower and armament to do that which Togo or Hitler couldn’t, amass a land invasion. Every nation that their leaders have called for gun confiscation has in turn slaughtered millions of its own People. It is estimated that Mao of China holds the record followed by Hitter, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and the list goes on. Of Hitler, his rise to power mirrors that of Obama. The executive orders and false flags crescecdoed to the point that he successfully called for the German people to turn in their guns. ‘This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more effective, and the world will follow our lead into the future!’

The same argument is true of Obama’s vision for America as mandated by his masters. The bottom line is that the last line of defense against a tyrannical government that the U.S. government is fast becoming is the 2nd Constitutional Amendment. Obama seeks to nullify the Constitution as he completely legislates away the last remaining wealth and sovereignty of the nation through secret international treaties. The problem according to Obama is that Americans are adamant in keeping ‘their Bibles and their guns’. He seeks to take the guns of the law-abiding Americans that need guns the most due to the change he has brought to America. This is especially the case when the economic collapse and/or natural catastrophes will occur. It has been shown that during the Katrina hurricane, the U.S. military was ordered to confiscated guns at a time when the People needed them the most.

What the Obama administration is subversively doing is that certain diabolical stipulations for gun confiscation are tied to government services and benefits People receive. For example, returning Veterans are put on watch lists if they have a suspicion of any psychological condition. This would seem appropriate but gun confiscation on the mere suspicion is the order of the day despite the 2nd Amendment guarantee. Then a
new Obama proposal would specifically affect those receiving Social Security benefits. In some cases, it would ban gun ownership if they fit a list of conditions that President Obama and his administration deem dangerous. It is the practice of doctors even now in many cases to ask children if their parents have or own guns.


It has been documented that the various false flag gun massacres in the USA have been tied to government psyops programs. This goes all the way back to recent occurrences such as Sandy Hook, the Aurora Cinema 16 theatre, Ft. Hood shooting, the Boston Bombing, and the Charleston Church massacre and so on. In such cases, the perpetrators were under government psychiatric prescriptions. For example, the older brother of the Boston Bombing was a confirmed CIA asset and/or agent that even the Russian tipped the State Department about him but was he was executed on the spot so as to have no dead man telling tales. The younger brother was shot in the throat as to not speak but survived. As it can be shown, there is enough evidence to indict the government of the USA for wanting to implement gun confiscation.

The USA appears to have become what Thomas Jefferson and the founding Fathers feared would happen. It appears that for America, the last resort for the People in wanting their government to uphold the Constitution and specifically the 2nd Amendment will be to fight for their alienable right of self-defense against tyranny of the government. The U.S. government is no longer a government by the People and for the People. It is against the People because a time is coming where America will join the Luciferian New World Order that will demand total subjection. America has been sold to the Old World Oligarchy who desires to have total control over the defenseless sheeple to slaughter at will for refusing their directives and vision of their coming Brave New World.

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