Luis Vega (16 Aug 2015)
"REUNION OF THE LOST - Tell Tale Signs of the MH370 Phenomenon"


Prophetic Clues of the Place and Time of the Rapture Event?


by Luis B. Vega for online PDF illustration in Chart section


‘Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him [Reunion], that you not be quickly shaken…Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the Man of Lawlessness is revealed, the Son of Destruction.’ –1 Thessalonians 2:1-4

The purpose of this study is to present some peculiar clues regarding the possible discovery of debris from the Malaysia airliner that went missing on March 8, 2014. On July 29, 2015 a piece of wing from a Boeing 777 was identified on the north-eastern coast of the island of Reunion off of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. Reports from island locals reported to authorities that such apparent wreckage was there long ago but only had the piece come to their attention of the authorities. The Malaysian flight MH370 disappeared from radar as it was bound from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing China. Just before reaching Vietnamese airspace, the airliner apparently took a reverse course and headed toward the Indian Ocean. It appears that the transponders were deliberately turned off.

There had been a mass multinational effort to search for the possible wreckage as most suspect foul play or an act of Islamic terrorism. Over the year since the abrupt disappearance, no significant leads have emerged until July 29, 2015. As this apparent tragedy is considered an anomaly, a 2nd Malaysia airliner MH17 was shot over the Ukraine on July 17, 2014. What many who analyze disasters from an esoteric, occultic and eschatological angel are alarmed about is that the places, times and inferences of these 2 disasters in particular have all the earmarks of the work of the cabal Luciferian societies. It is such governments in the shadows that are involved in particular in the Ukraine and China in an attempt to further their One World Order and agenda.

The destabilization of the Ukraine with the direct involvement of the U.S. government has rekindles the Cold War thanks to Obama’s foreign policy. It is really not actually his but he is just the mouthpiece and puppet of the cabal menace behind his government. In the case of the Malaysian flight MH370 a large contingent of top lever military brass and tech executives were on board. Many believe that such disasters are orchestrated by the Luciferians based on their numerology of calculations and schedule. With this in mind, this study will only suggest a possible association that such interties might be ‘transmitting’ to either one another, the world or a specific few who might be in-tuned to such numerical and place associations.

Places and Times
The study will present some associations based on distance, places and times for evaluation of possible prophetic significance. It is not to say that such findings are dogma of some kind but that such associations appear to mirror in some instances some key dates that are Biblically prophetic by other means and that such places and times suggest a double entendre. Such associations in themselves would seem unapparent or inconsequential if not for the notion that they point to the convergence of much anticipated Biblical prophecy in the month of September 2015. The date specifically in the 2nd week is that of Yom Kippur on September 23, 2015. The numerical coefficient of that date is 9-23 or 923 which can be coded as 239. Most countries in the world first put the date of the month and then the year.

The first tell-tale sign of this date comes from the total number of souls on board the MH 370 Malaysian flight. The number 239 is the number on board that flight that disappeared into ‘thin air’ it seemed. Many End Time observers that do date-set are insinuating that September 23, 2015 will be the Rapture event. This correlates to the Feast of Yom Kippur which occurs on the Fall Equinox. What is peculiar about this Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement is that it is the 7th cycle of 7 years since the liberation of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the 6-Day War. This would make the date the start of the Jubilee for the year 5776, which is also called Anno Lucis or the Year of Light or of Lucifer.

How the Malaysian flights are connected to this date is by the following day count. From the Malaysian MH370 flight that disappeared as if ‘raptured’ on March 8, 2014 to the downing of the Malaysian flight MH17 over the Ukraine on July 17, 2014 is 131 days. Nothing might seem apparent but 131 days are approximate 18 weeks. The number 18 can be factored out as a 6-6-6. Furthermore, the 131 days are 4 months and 9 days or a 49. This is the coefficient of the 7x7 years or 49 years from 1966 to 2015 that initiates the Jubilee count.  The coefficient of 2-3-9= 2+3+9=14 (7-7). This mirrors the date of September 23, 2015 = 7th month Jewish calendar which completes a triple 7 or the Boeing 7-7-7. In religious numerology and the occult a triple 777 emphasizes the completeness of an event.


The 131 days in between these 2 flights are also approximately 188,000 minutes apart. This 188 numerical value is another confident that appears to be used in occultic encryption. How it is tied September 23, 2015 is that 188 days from Yom Kipper of that year corresponded to the total solar eclipse of March 20, 2015. Astonishing, the Disappearance of MH370 on Mar 8, 2014 to July 29, 2015 when the Boeing 777 wing wreckage was reported was 72 weeks. In sacred geometry, this number denotes a completion of a time. Many argue that the wreckage was known about but not reported ‘officially’ until July 29, 2015 thus to use the numerology by the Luciferians that many believe are behind such an evil deed. From the July 29, 2015 reporting of the Boeing 777 wing found on Reunion Island to Yom Kippur on September 23, 2015 is 56 days or a 7x8 factoring. The next tell-tale sign is where the ‘sign’ took place, in Reunion Island off the coast of Madagascar.


The Reunion to Come
What is very interesting to note about these numerical and place association with MH370 in particular is where the apparent wreckage piece of a Boeing 777 wing was identified and public reported to the world. This occurred on the French Department of Reunion Island. If the Malaysian flight MH 370 did reverse its course from China to apparently the Indian Ocean any wreckage would follow the Indian Ocean currents. Thus the apparent wing wreckage of the Boeing 777 washing ashore on Reunion north-eastern coast would be consistent with this assertion. The possible explanations as to what occurred from the last known reported signal at 8:11am local time on March 8, 2014 are pure speculation at this point.

Several possible scenarios presented might suggest an explanation of the possible occurrence of what happened to MH 370. One, the airliner was hijacked and diverted to be scudded at sea as terror plot by either the pilots themselves, one or both due to their Islamic beliefs. The airliner could have been hijacked and overcome by Islamic Jihadist that took over the control of the airliner from the pilots. What is known is that the plane diverted to an opposite trajectory and all communications were turned off. This clearly suggests foul play to a degree. What could have occurred next is that the airliner was either allowed to run out of fuel, shot down or plunged into the sea. As it stands now there is no rationale explanation for such an airliner disappearing. Of course there are the extreme viewpoints that range from the airliner being sucked in to a black hole, a vortex or portal of some inter-dimensional nature.

What is unique about the Reunion island connection to the flight is again, the place and timing of the latest revelation of clues. The Reunion Island is 2333 km from the Equator. It is 1260 nautical miles. This number can be factored out as the half of 2520. This is another esoteric and sacred geometry constant seen from the cosmos, mathematics and Biblical prophecy. The number of years, 3.5 x 360 days/year = 1260 days that the first half of the Biblical Tribulation period is to last. The 2nd portion called the Great Tribulation is the 2nd half 1260 days for a total of 2520 days or 7 years. This is of course not accepted by all Christians as the notion what actually will constitute the Tribulation period is highly disputed.

What is tangible is that from the distance from Reunion Island to the exact spot the Malaysian airliner MH370 ‘disappeared’ is exactly 6066 km. The angle to which the debris would have reached Reunion Island is at an angle of 66
°. That this study suggests that if in deed such disasters were perpetrated by the Luciferins cabal that govern the world for now, then one can expect to see their numerological signatures of stealing, killing and destroying. Their dealing use sacred mathematics and geometry, ley lines and places to heighten their power and message, if to either one another, the world as a warning or those have eyes to see. Given this assertion the distance of the 6066 km from Reunion Island to the point of the ‘disappearance’ is in approximate phi ratio of distance where the centric point of the swirl eclipses the Equator where this study suggests the airliner possible was destroyed at this juncture, if by being scudded to the see, exploded or shot down.

By determining the point of course reversal to the debris wing on Reunion Island, perhaps the 3rd point can be triangulated for the location of the possible wreckage. The following are the tabulation of various numerical coefficients mentioned and pertinent to the association with the Malaysian airliner disasters.


 2-3-9 passengers
= 2+3+9=14 (7-7) Sep 23, 2015
= 7th month Jewish calendar (7-7-7) ‘Boeing’


Last reported signal @ 8:11 am local time


Reunion Island
Boeing 777 wing possibly identifies on July 29, 2015


From Reunion Island to point of disappearance
6066 km

In phi ratio of distance with centric point converging at the Equator from Reunion Island to the point of ‘disappearance’.

66° angle from Reunion Island to point of ‘disappearance’

Partial solar eclipse on Sep 13, 2015 which is Rosh HaShanah will have the greatest arc of shadow at Reunion Island.


Disappearance Mar 8, 2014 to Jul 27, 2015
72 weeks = 6x6x6x2 = 72 = 6x(6+6) 


From Reunion Island to the Equator
2333 km

nautical miles or x 2 = 2520

>From Jul 29, 2015 wreckage to Aug 10, 2015 Kali Empire State depiction =
13 days

>From Mar 8, 2014 MH370 to Jul 25, 2015 Satanic statue in Detroit =
72 weeks

>From Jul 29, 2015 wreckage to Sep 13, 2015 eclipse and New Year =
50 days


Reported total of souls on board


September 23, 2015?

Nation that lost the most souls: China with 153

Prophetic number of the ‘first fruits’ harvest of the Church Age

The Reunion to Come?
What this study seeks to insinuate is a parallel to the Rapture event as odd as it might seem. Although such signs or numerology may not be YHVH sanctioned, those that catch the significance see that perhaps the Luciferians are signaling amongst themselves the queues that are indeed Biblical and prophetic such as the Rapture event. This study is not attributing these signals as confirming the Rapture event on Yom Kippur but that according to other Biblically inclined signs and research done by other Bible scholars, there does seem to be a unique inference especially when it comes to the places and times associated with this airliner mysterious disappearance as in itself is like the Rapture event.

The following assertions will be presented for observation purposes only. What is also very peculiar are the number associations as presented already, that of 239 passengers that could be and encryption of September 23, 2015 when the Biblical ‘reunion’ of such a precise number onboard the nave, or the Ark mysteriously disappear into thin air as it seems. Another tell-tale numerical sign is that out of all the souls on board, the country with the most gone missing were from China; the number? According to reports it was 153. Prophetically this is the exact ‘catch’ that the Disciples brought in the next as directed by a resurrected LORD Jesus at the shore on Galilee. To many it represents the ‘first fruits’ of those appointed unto salvation.

Realize that by some estimates as given by The Voice of the Martyrs, China has the most Christians on Earth at this point in time, surpassing the USA now. Another ominous signal is that thereafter as part of the search efforts, the Royal Australian Air Force AP-3C Orion probe was employed to plunge into the abyss, or the deep to search for possible wreckage on the ocean floor. This has direct echoes to what will occur after the Rapture. It is stated in the book of Revelation that at some point, perhaps at the midpoint of the Tribulation the Bottomless Pit, that of the deep as if an ocean will be opened to let loose the Titan whose king over them is Apollyon or Apollo, aka, Orion. On the outset, the mysterious and sudden disappearance of 239 souls aboard a major airliner goes without an explanation.

It is a mystery as is the doctrine of the Rapture event where likewise, a certain amount of souls will be ‘raptured’ or made to disappear from the Earth to rendezvous in mid-air with Jesus. Many national search and rescue efforts have been undertaken with no apparent leads as will be the case once the Rapture occurs. People will seek and try to find loved ones or missing persons but they will not be found. According to the Bible, one interpretation is that this is where the ‘Lie that will be believed’ will be presented by the AntiChrist to explain such vanishing of millions. Many propose the scenario that the aftermath will coincide with the public disclosure of Alien contact and direct manifestation that the Vatican for example has even created an office and envoy or representative to such beings. What is unique about the clue of the possible wreckage found was where it was found, in Reunion Island.

If the ‘storyline’ is allowed to connect the dots, it goes hand and glove with the Rapture theme. According to the doctrine, the Rapture or disappearance is in actuality a rendezvous or a ‘reunion’ event with the Bride of Christ and Jesus. It is the long-awaited ‘Blessed Hope’ of seeing the resurrection LORD Jesus coming back from preparing the ‘Mansions in Glory’ as He had promise on that Last Supper Passover meal with the Disciples. What the Reunion Island, the flight MH370 connect to in terms of a date is September 23, 2015. This is in direct reference to the number of souls that initially disappeared, 239. Many have come to see that this number is an encryption, possibly to signal the Day of Atonement. What is significant about the Day of Atonement is that it was the only time of the year that the veil of the Tabernacle of Moses and the Temples were removed or pierced.

It was the time and place on Earth where man was ushered in into the direct presence of the LORD that dwelt in between the Cherubim of the Ark of the Covenant.  This ‘picture’ to many signifies a type of how at the time of the Rapture, likewise it will be when the veil of the Heavenly Temple is drawn back and the Bride made up of Kings and Priest, are ushered into the LORD’s direct presence. Another very significant association to this airline phenomena is that in 2015 or starting within the Jewish year 5776, the Year of Light, Yom Kippur falls exactly on the Fall Equinox. This is when there is theoretically equal amounts of night and day, as in a ‘balance’. It is when the People of YHVH are examined and purified by the Day of Atonement. It is the most solemn consecration of all the 7 Feasts of YHVH.

Likewise at the Rapture event of the 5 Wise Virgins of Jesus, they will be examined and evaluated. This evaluation is not unto condemnation as that judgment was paid for by the Groom, the price of the Bride from the slave auction block of Lucifer was satisfied with the Blood of the Lamb. This evaluation called the Bema Seat of Christ is unto rewards and crowns. Thus it will also see the adjudication of the Bride as she faces her Accuser, Lucifer and it is from that point forth that the literal manifestations of the Seal Judgments are to commence on Earth and upon the AntiChrist, Lucifer and Israel unfortunately. Contrary to many Last Days interpretations, the Seals have not been broken yet, the Tribulation period has not started, the Abomination of Desolation has not occurred.

There have been events that mimic and are a prophetic prelude based on the ‘ripple effect’ of prophecy but the book of Revelation will see its fulfillment once the end of the Church Age harvest is gathered, by way of the Rapture. This ingathering has to come first before Daniel’s last Sabbatical cycle commences that many are saying could be corresponding to the last Shemitah cycle that commences in 5776. If the literal ‘reunion’ of the Bride with the Groom is to take place on Yom Kippur, it could either be a yes, a no or a yes but at a later point and time. One also has to take into account that in future years, these apparent place and time ‘signals’ will not be valid as the Yom Kippur will fall on a different Gregorian calendar date for example.

The revealing of the Satanic Baphomet statue in Detroit was erected on July 25, 2015, basically the same time the presumed Boeing 777 wing wreckage was identified. Then on August 10, 2015 the lighting up of Kali upon the Empire State Building was depicted. Detroit is symbolic of the decay and fall of America. It was once the industrial heartland of a might nation. These 2 events exemplify that America and the world for that matter are about to be in full disclosure and persuasion of the Evil One whose power the world will be under. Perhaps the Evil One and his Satanic minions are sensing just how close the gates of Hell are about to be let open. It is rather telling that the Satanic event of the Baphomet statue in Detroit was called the ‘Unveiling’.

It is an antitype of the Unveiling performed on Yom Kippur where the curtain between the Holy of Holies and the Holes was separated and was a picture of the separation between a Holy Creator and a sinful people; as a piecing of dimensions even. Nonetheless a way was made, by Jesus, the Door of Sheep back to the Father’s House. It is only in Jesus Christ that the veil is removed.  It is rather disturbing that the sponsors of the Satanic statue, have a motto, ‘It is better to reign in Hell that to serve in Heaven’. Such have bought the lie of Lucifer in the Garden. They will come to find out that is the opposite, Jesus in Heaven has promised to the Overcomer that they will co-rule and reign with Christ. It will be in Hell that humans, whom Hell was not meant for nor created but for Lucifer and his Fallen Angels that such will serve them perhaps, if at all.

If it is the case that the Luciferians are ‘signaling’ amongst themselves the true Biblical schedule of YHVH, then realize just how close the actual Rapture event is of the disappearance and mysterious vanishing of a certain amount of Followers of Jesus. This Rapture event will be glorious as it will be a sign of the pending judgment to come upon the Christ-rejecting world for how it treated the ‘least of these my Brethren’. What is ominous and cannot be overlooked is that these apparent signals of the Reunion, of the possible Rapture correlation date connection to Yom Kippur are being revealed hand in hand with what the Scripture verse in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4. This specific verse about the coming reunion of the Bride with the Groom, Jesus stipulates that it has to occur in tandem apparently regarding the ‘gathering together unto the LORD’ or the Reunion, aka Rapture.

What transpires leading to this glorious ‘reunion’ on one hand is the escalation of apostasy within the Church, in the world and the revealed of the spirit of AntiChrist and the eventually the Son of Perdition. On the other hand it is the pruning of the Bride as her last finishing touches are made as she is setting herself apart and washing herself in the Blood of the Lamb to be made white as snow metaphorically. In the traditional Jewish wedding ceremony, the Bride to be on her wedding day would bath as to be pure, consecrated and set apart unto that day, meaning being found without sin. This has been exactly the case as within the certain timeframes associated to certain date counts associated with this MH370 airliner missing phenomenon.

Some Sources