Gary Rich (30 Aug 2015)
"Do you know what  God's purpose is for your life ?"


Have you ever asked our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ to reveal to you what is His purpose for your life ? You may feel that you know why you are on this earth - to get a good education, get a good job, have a nice car, house and a good retirement plan. Those are nice goals to achieve, but untill you have discovered why God brought you into this world, what His eternal purpose is for you, you have not really lived a fulfilled life
You see, before you were born, God planned out your life and what He wants you to do for Him that has eternal value. I have found over the years that few Christian believers know what God wants them to do with their life that will glorify Him. God has given every Christian at least one spiritual gift to be used for His kingdom purposes. Do you know what yours is ? If not, have you ever considered asking God ? He wants you to know what His will is for your life
One day we will all stand before the Lord at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Where our lives will be reviewed to see how we spent our earthly lives. Did we use our lives for just earthly goals or for eternal goals. If you used your life fulfilling God's mission & assignment that He gave you, you will have much eternal treasurer and rewards waiting for you in heaven. If you don't know what it is that God has called you to do for Him, ask Him. Its that simple - He will tell you. And one day in eternity , with a life spent on works that have eternal value, you will hear your Lord say - " well done thy good and faithful servant "
have a blessed day,   Gary