Fay (16 Aug 2015)
"Migrants want to Eat"

Oh what a glorious spectacle. "Desperate" migrants, in their designer caps and sunglasses - plumped out and well fed - are trying to play the "we are starving" game. This is farcical. Much like the Palestinian game plan. Launch rockets at Israel, from schools and suburban neighbourhoods and then cry "FOUL" when Israel retaliates. *Excellent*. It's like being rewarded for cheating. The minute the human race wakes up to the fact that we are exquisitely created beings - more complicated than any computer or robot could ever be - is the minute we stop being part of satan's game plan. We make the choice NOT to be used as pawns in evil's chess match. No wonder the tribulation has to happen.............. without it, very few would learn

Police in Kos attack refugees with batons and fire extinguishers