Chris K (16 Aug 2015)
"A New Song/Psalm"

To John and all the Doves,
    Its been quite some time since I have posted on 5-Doves, I guess I had become somewhat fatigued by the all waiting/date setting. However, I still follow fairly closely most of the relevant posts, and still have a few of the Saints whose letters I love reading.
    Nonetheless, I have been continuing to WORSHIP with the Psalms everyday and translate Scripture to Psalms as the Holy Spirit has led me, and, always with incredible revelation of understanding. I've become fairly competent at recording and turning them into videos...not because I expect others to follow along in detail, but, because I see them as an example of one mans WORSHIP method shown him by the Holy Spirit. I've come to understand that collective WORSHIP is virtually non-existent in these last of the last-days(at least here in Babylon), and, have found that WORSHIP within the "inner court" of the Temple that God is building with His own hand, is of the most profound and meaningful nature, and, what our Heavenly Father is looking for in all of His Children!
    On Sunday last, August 2nd, I was woken by the Holy Spirit of Grace(early) to a wonderful "streaming" New Song within my heart and mind. This has happened to me a few other times, usually while on a walk early in the morning, or once or twice in the same way(being woken up with a Psalm coming directly out of my heart).
    There's no mistaking the Holy Spirit's voice because He is always speaking directly about Christ Jesus and the Living WORD of truth(actually the same thing), and usually with segments of the WORD that I am familiar with flowing out of me like a fountain of "Living Waters", and almost always in rhyme....the tune is ALWAYS the same, and has been for the last seven years(since I was given this tune in a dream after having asked the Lord what exactly what true WORSHIP really was)....for me its ONE Savior, ONE WORD, ONE song!
    So anyway, Sunday, I sat down to write out as much of the "dictation" as I could, and this is what came of it, (while WORSHIPING with the New Psalm, I felt I should share with other Saints, this small, yet great, blessing that had me in tears most of the day). Its actually a confirmation of some doctrinal understanding the Holy Spirit has led me through in the last couple of years concerning the Eternal Covenant and how the Harpadzo is a very relevant feature of the New Covenant aspect of the Eternal Covenant!...That every WORD that comes forth from the mouth of God is "Covenantal" in nature. The Noahic Covenant, the Mosaic Covenant and the "New Covenant in Christ's Blood" are all part of the Eternal Covenant, which is actually an unbroken and unbreakable set of promises to and with His entire creation, that issue forth out of eternity and into time.
     Much of the "New Covenant in Christ" has remained a mystery, even to this day! Paul speaks of this in Colossians and elsewhere, and it is always up to the Holy Spirit to reveal these mysteries to the individual Saints, and not by the teachings of men. If anyone here is interested in further communication concerning these doctrines, I would love to share(I'll give my e-mail at the end of the letter).
    This "Psalm of WORSHIP" explains MOST of what I have been shown about the "Covenant Cup of Christ" and the Harpadzo' relationship to it (and within it). The Harpadzo is as much a placement/replacement as it is a rescue least the "Grand Harpadzo" which happens right before the Great Tribulation. I realize the Psalm is a little long, slow and ponderous, but that is the whole point of WORSHIP, and following along facilitates the understanding of the depth of the mystery within!
     I do want to say this one thing: Tribulation is always for the Saints....wrath and judgement are for the rest. You either experience your tribulation willingly, day by day, or you get it all at once by compulsion at the end! And this is part of the great mystery of the "New Covenant in Christ's blood". This is why we have such a difficult time understanding the "times/timing" of "the" tribulation spoken of in Revelation and can experience your part of tribulation day by day simply by entering into this Covenant Cup with Christ!
     Here is a link to a video of the Psalm, and, I will place the words here for your perusal...

Psalm of the Covenant Cup of Christ

Give praise unto our God you Saints
and lift up holy hands
Rejoice and thank Him for all things
and to the Son of Man.

This is the moed of the Church
our one and only feast.
To glorify our Creator
His one and only Priest.

The order of  Melchizedek
the one that is unique
Councilor wonderful and God,
and Him alone do seek

For it is He who has authored
the salvation we live,
His words of life the WORD of truth
to you will this He give.

This great treasure of the SPIRIT.
The understanding of
mysteries of His Covenant,
and of our Father's LOVE.

There's but ONE law by which we live
"That we believe on Him",
the ONE which the Father has sent
down to the world of men!

And to believe means only this
that we would walk like Him,
and do and say just as He did
within the world of men.

Not owning of this world's substance
nor coveting its coin.
And come-out of its Beast-system,
and not its ways do join.

Not looking to it for comfort,
nor seek the comforts of
its entertainment and pleasures,
nor in its carnal love.

Avoid the mechanization's
and its machinations.
All the confusion that they bring,
others salutations,

seek not approval of those that
glorify each other.
For their reward is here and now,
their end outer darkness!

You have ONE Priest and living WORD,
Yeshuah is His name
He is the WORD of God made flesh
for this ONE thing He came.

To gather into His BODY
all those that would believe
upon the living WORD of truth,
this "ONE NEW MAN" perceive.

The last Adam, in which sums up,
all of His creation,
in Christ Jesus, we His BODY
will with Him be as one.

This is the marriage vow He's made
with all of those who join
within Him in His Father's work,
in this field He has sown,

He is the Husbandman, we're the
crop of His heritage.
And as His sons and daughters will
be heirs throughout the age.

But that which makes us worthy of
this great inheritance,
is our commitment to His great
Covenant circumstance.

The WORD which God has spoken it
can never be undone,
He as the Living WORD of truth,
and BODY of His Son!

And as it is impossible
for God Himself to lie,
Therefore we must also commit,
in truth, by FAITH to die.

So all that we must ever do
is let our faith be tried.
God is ever present with us
by faith, in truth rely.

For there is ONE life and ONE death
for every soul on earth.
This is the process of which by
God makes His children dearth.

To suffer and to die for Him
it is but a small thing,
to sacrifice all of your life
for an eternity

in which you may live near to God,
with Him, to be as one.
God wishes to reveal Himself
within you through His Son.

The way His Son did live, trusting
His Father day by day,
to give to Him of everything
in FAITH, this is Christ's way.

His disciples asked Him, saying,
"Who sinned, this man, or his
parents, that he was then born blind?"
And Christ answered, "Neither!"

All men are born blind that God may
be glorified therein,
and that the works of God be shown,
are thus, revealed in them!

When asked if they could thus share in
the glory of His cup,
His reply was that they know not
for what they ask Him of.

But, then He said, you shall indeed
drink of this cup of mine,
and be Baptized in the same way
that I have been Baptized!

His Baptism is into death,
this cup is unto shame,
and reproaches and sufferings
which are done in Christ's name!

Believing on His name but means
to walk the same as Him,
and trusting in God to provide
His circumstances then.

In His providence then He shall
commit to you His way,
and then reveal understanding
in Christ Jesus that day!

There's ONE Table, ONE Communion
and it also is ONE!
One Lord, One way, One WORD of truth,
with which we find the SON!

Our Communion is not ritual,
as in the "Last Supper",
But in this Cup that He offers
that we with Him suffer.

He came to offer His BODY
a sacrifice for sin,
and WE as His BODY on earth
participate with Him!

This is communion of His Cup
and the true Lord's Table!
So any rituals you take,
as signs, are not able

to function as a method of
participation in
the working out of salvation,
God's forgiveness of sin.

For true communion with our God
you must drink of His cup
of sufferings and reproaches,
to let God use you up.

And eat the Bread of His BODY,
for us it is broken.
His BODY is the Assembly,
the Church, then torn within.

His BODY, as the veil, was rent
and so are His children,
Are torn and broken like His flesh,
that by the sons of men.

I speak not of salvation, but,
of partnership with He,
unto a blessed hope which we
might share in His glory.

In order to escape that death
we must rely on Him,
to bring us into death, all-ways,
removing us from sin.

And dying to the self each day,
and from the beast within.
He will restrain your self-glory,
to Christ's lowliness then.

In which we do suffer with Christ
and bearing our own cross,
we then do partnership with Him
and count all things as loss.

That we might gain our place with Him
and share in His glory.
And counted worthy to escape
the judgement soon to be.

The Harpadzo is for all Saints
from Stephen until now,
and in the twinkling of an eye
the final trump will blow.

Each Saint who has walked according
to Christ's covenant cup
and died to self each day with Him
is then them taken up

This Catching-Away of the Saints
is not just for the end,
but as the finish of each One
that suffers death within!

This is the Covenant He made
with each and every one
that willingly submits himself
to the death of the SON.

To share in all His sufferings,
perfecting you like He,
is that which makes you worthy of
deliverance, you see.

final deliverance from the
curse of physical death.
the promise that this ONE won't die
before all of the rest.

What is it to you that I choose
to keep this ONE alive,
until I have returned for them,
that they may all survive!

This ONE He speaks of are ALL those,
with Him by covenant,
that have themselves drunk of His cup,
and have rejoiced in it!

P.S. I understand that this is going to seem like errant doctrine to many of the Saints(if not all), but I promise you, I have not made any of this up on my own. This was always given to me during WORSHIP of God the Father, Yahweh, and His SON Christ Jesus.

                                                                              Your brother in Christ, Chris K.