1 Cor 10:31 (16 Aug 2015)
"RE:  Ron Reese, are ALL Christians raptured, ARE YOU READY?"

Ron, a BIG AMEN to your article about “BEING READY”!!  http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/aug2015/ronr89-2.htm

I’ve read it before some time back at your site & even printed it out (hope you don’t mind, in fact, you do say to please forward…)  Though WHEW, everyone I dare might send it to would get all DEFENSIVE!!!   In fact, “news flash” ~ I’m the idiot of the family again, my MIL won’t speak to me (again)…. They’re all RCC & do not believe in this “rapture business”!!....   Ah well, I did my job, now it’s up to them during the Tribulation…..


And from the prayer at the bottom of your article, QUOTE:  “Show me what I need to do to BE READY and then give me the power to act upon that which you show me to do.  Draw me away from the world and closer to you every day.  Use me in whatever way you can to help others who may not be ready for your Return.” /END quote


AMEN to this, too!!!!!!   I especially like:   Draw me away from the world and closer to you every day. 


Cares of this world ~ even if it’s “something good & wholesome” ~ yet if it’s taking our eyes off the Lord, then it’s NOT a good thing!!  (Eve thought the fruit “was good” too!!   And PLEASANT to the eyes….)


Cares of this world that can prevent one from going in the rapture, thus the reason I like this site I mentioned last week:   www.ChristianitynotChurchianity.blogspot.com   He bases his whole site on Luke 21:36


BTW, as you might imagine, people took your article apart on other message boards….. defensively claiming with indignation (and yes, even what I perceive to be WHINING) that “I AM going in the rapture” because I’m a born again Christian & Jesus did it all for me & such & so on.   YES, Jesus did do it all as far as salvation!!!   However, again, as you also reminded everyone Ron, about Luke 21 ~ it certainly was not put in the Bible for us to neglect or stomp on or to so arrogantly say, “well, I AM going regardless”…… might such an arrogant attitude possibly even keep one from the rapture??  The rapture is a reward for those who are READY.  Period.  End of story.  It’s in the Bible.


Great article.


I’m not totally sure the Tribulation starts on Nov. 11th ~ it could very well start during the Jewish feast days next month….  But regardless, we know it will be soon.   Rapture First though!!


I rather imagine that the AntiChrist to-be is having a “field day” watching all the runners for the U.S. Presidential election (not even held till NEXT fall)   My opinion is the rapture will happen long before then due to the boldness of all the signs.


Watching and praying to be counted worthy here!!  Nothing I take lightly.  We were TOLD to PRAY for this very thing!

  We may not be told SPECIFICALLY other things in our lives to pray for, yet isn’t it interesting for THIS specific thing, we are told TO PRAY * to be accounted worthy * to escape!   What part of that do we not understand?

