Steve Mullin (24 Aug 2014)
"Bible Code, Elul 5774"

In addition to people everywhere sensing that all heck is about to break loose, there are major signs pointing to it. First, the second of four blood moons takes place within about 6 weeks. Historically, the major event associated with the tetrad mostly took place before the blood moons began--Jews expelled from Spain, Israel founded as a nation, and Jerusalem recaptured in the six day war. The most recent event, the recapturing of Jerusalem happened after 1 of the 4 blood moons took place. Could the next major event happen around the time of the 2nd blood moon? 

Second, Jonathan Cahn has shown that most market crashes have coincided with the shemitah year and/or the month of Tishri. That begins this upcoming Rosh Hashanah September 24-26. Will be really interesting to keep an eye on the market this September/October. 

Third, there was a bible code published a few days ago with the terms mashiach (messiah), elul, and the year 5774. Even though Rabbi Glazerson has posted many Bible Codes that seemingly don't make sense, it is possible that we don't have the entire picture as to what they could mean or that God was longsuffering in allowing more people to be saved. Elul is the 30 day period leading up to Rosh Hashanah that starts in about 3 or 4 days. The 30 days of Elul combined with the 10 days of awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur add up to that very biblical number 40. Could Elul be a time that Christ comes when we "think not?" When Rosh Hashanah occurs, the year 5775 will begin so we'll know soon enough if that code meant anything.

Steve M