Pastor Bob (31 Aug 2014)
""Magic Marker Bing""

All Doves:

Would you take a magic marker to your Bible and cross out words, from passages?

This is precisely what Brooks Foss Wescott and Fenton John Anthony Hort did in the late 19th Century when they produced their New Greek Critical Text, which is the primary basis for all modern Greek texts used by the American Bible Society, the United Bible Society and some other translators.

I'm not going to burden you with pages and pages of material in this post.  The two Anglican church leaders named above, made 5,337 changes to the Textus Receptus Greek text which is the basis of the King James Bible New Testament.  Chances are you are like most people, you trust any Bible translation.  For years I did so as well.

In the 1611 King James Version of the Bible, I just want you to consider just two examples here of why Wescott & Hort is the greatest danger to the Christian community today.  In the Gospel of Matthew 1:25, the KJV Bible reads, "And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."

The underlined word "firstborn" was crossed out.  It is stricken from the Wescott & Hort counterfeit Greek text.

The second verse I would like the reader to read from the KJV Bible is from Romans 13:9.  The KJV Bible reads, "For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

The underlined words "Thou shalt not bear false witness" were taken out as with a magic marker.

In another post, I noted the reason as to why Wescott & Hort eliminated the word "firstborn", that it was done to make the text conform to Roman Catholic Doctrine.  The RCC teaches that Mary was celibate throughout her life, while Scripture tells us Jesus had siblings.  Authorities on the Textus Receptus and King James Bible preservation are in agreement on this point, that Wescott & Hort were favorably disposed to Rome's bidding.

Again, if the reader is interested in knowing what else Wescott & Hort eliminated there is a web site that will provide you the proof.  You do not have to sit down and do a side-by-side comparison of the KJVB with any of the modern Bibles to discover the fraud that has been perpetuated on the public for well over a century and to this day deceives the Bible reading public. 

The web site where you will find illustrated with all the words crossed-out (deleted from the KJVB) in the Westcott & Hort Critical Greek Text, can be found at this location:


There is ample evidence to suggest that these two Anglican priests, one a Bishop, were Jesuit plants.  I hope you get this point and its implications for Christians around the world.  Rome has hated the Bible for centuries.  At the Council of Toulouse, in 1229 AD, they placed the Bible on the forbidden book list and forbade any layman to read it.  The Council of Trent, declared it a condemned book.  Pope Pius VIII decreed that no version of the Bible in the vulgar tongue be permitted.  The Council went so far as to say, "The Bible translated would cause more evil than good." 

I'm 78, have been in ministry 53 years, I have majored academically in the study of history, and church history, through fourteen years of higher education, and fifty years as a pastor.  While one or two posters on this site would like you to believe the KJV Bible is unreliable, that is simply not true.  I'm not a "King James Only" cultist as some have inferred or subliminally stated.  I have at my fingertips every Greek/Hebrew and English translation in existence to compare against each other.  I have four computer Bible software programs, not to mention, over a thousand reference works on computer, accessible in seconds. 

As I stated in my posts on "God's Heptadic Signature" - Parts 1,2,3 posted on August 17th of Five Doves, God, not surprisingly, foresaw the likes of the doubting Thomas's, of this world, regarding His Word given to man choosing to alter, change, and attack the veracity of the King James Bible.  God's Word is self-authenticating and self validating as the True Word of God.  The "Heptadic" Design is found in the Masoretic Text (Hebrew O.T.) and the Stephanous Byzantine (Greek N.T.).  These two are known as the RECEIVED TEXT (Textus Receptus), which was used to give us the KJVB.  In those posts I have provided the sources of my information, and some of the names of their published books, and the fact is that God used a mathematical number "seven" to, not only validate the Bible as being authored by the Creator, but to be His Signature authority of a self-authentication code of being impossible to counterfeit by the angel of light.  I'll have much more on "God's Heptadic Signature" in the weeks to come, unless the Pre-Tribulation Rapture happens later this month.

To those critics that misquote me, I have never said the KJV Bible was perfect, at least not in the choice of English words, where the choice of words are not always the easiest to understand or communicate the meaning of the original text.  I do believe that the Masoretic Text/Textus Receptus is near perfect. That is simply another deception or effort to discredit me.  I have noted that the existing KJV Bible we have is 98.2% accurate as far as the original language stands up to computer analysis.  The remaining 1.8% does not alter or undermine the rest of the Biblical text.  In the case of God's "Heptadic Signature", just the omission or an added letter is enough to invalidate the "Heptadic Signature" design factor.  Furthermore, the KJV Bible translators were heads and shoulders above any translators since 1610. 

That story and the facts are well documented by many contemporary scholars and those associated with the Dean Burgon Society.  The KJV Bible has been well defended by men far more qualified than I, since they have dedicated their lives to preserving the Truth.  These are truly the great scholars, like Dr. D.A. Waite, Dr. William Grady, Dr. Samuel Gipp, Dr. Otis Fuller, or Gail Riplinger, and many other great scholars, some that have since passed on.  

The choice of words in the vernacular English is not always a simple one to make; and, just for example, take my post last week on "Typology in the Bible".  The Greek word "typos" appears 16 times in the New Testament, but it is translated by no less than 7 different English words in the KJV Bible.  The larger issue here is not to be overlooked or forgotten, and that is the Anglican priests Wescott & Hort, were driven by an agenda to destroy the KJV Bible and their method was to create a New Greek Text and then pass off their corruption onto the Protestant community as being better than the Textus Receptus, which had been the Received text for 1,800 years.  Also, there are over 5,000 copies of the Received Text around the world that date back to as early as 150 AD.   

So to close I would draw an analogy to this needless debate; to deny the Truth of the KJV Bible's reliability and accuracy as the Word of God is as fruitless as it is to choose Charles Darwin's natural-selection-evolution over Intelligent Design and DNA. 

Baruch HaShem,

Pastor Bob