Pastor Bob (24 Aug 2014)
""Absence of Proof is Not Proof of Absence -14""

All Doves:

Here are another set of examples that are overlooked in the Bible which present the pattern of God's plan for deliverance of those that have trusted in every respect.  While others hearken to the drum beat of Jim and Lori Bakker and his 'Morningside' voice for the sale of survival foods, and his frequent guest and "Knights of Malta" member Rick Joyner; years ago Jim Bakker went from a "Pre-Tribulation Rapture" to a "Prosperity Preparedness" gospel.  Instead of looking up we are called to "bunker down".  Get to the Army surplus store and buy yourself a steel "pot" helmet to cook his variety of survival foods.  Rick Joyner and Jim Bakker are false profits in the Prosperity gospel movement.  He's the same old Jim Bakker, scam artist par-excellance .  You probably don't know much about the organization Rick Joyner belongs to, the "Knights of Malta", a Roman Catholic lay organization, which functions as an intelligence-gathering secret society.  They have hold "diplomatic passports" which means in cross-country borders or international travel, their belongings are subject to immunity from inspection.  They also report to the Jesuit provincial where they reside.

While the prosperity preachers have latched onto the selling of their message, 'being prepared', they are big about earthly preparedness.  The "prepper's" of all threads, still put more faith in their weapons, hidden survival foods, all along thinking that they can ride it out on some obscure rural hidden sight, still believing they can survive the odds of global nuclear war being provoked by President Obama, the EU, and NATO.  Little do they know that the west coast of the USA is already experiencing all the signs of radiation poisoning from the Fukishima meltdown, now going on nearly four years. 

Being on Social Security, my wife and I do not have more than a week's supply of staples or consumables on hand at any one time.  We have put our faith in God's message of love, hope, and deliverance.  We believe that world events portray major crises just ahead, and only a sincere conviction in the belief of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture provides a basis for a "steady as you go attitude".  Each day brings life-shaking world events, that puts stress on humanity and subjects us all to a test of faith.  I think Hal Lindsey said it right when he published his book,'Combat Faith' when he said "Faith is the only way we will win this war".  Faith is the only acceptable means we have to to resist the pressures to follow the crowd mindset.  Christians are not called to the war of "fight or flight".  The herd mentality is to go out and buy a couple AR15's, a Glock, boxes of ammo, which now sells for close to $2 a bullet, and bullet-proof vests.  If you remember what I said in another post concerning "fear", do not be intimidated by the "Pre-Wrath-Rapture-Babble" sites, and certainly do not allow yourself to be drawn into mindset of being whip-sawed by the opposing psychology and to be manipulated by the demons that thrive on pushing your buttons of "fear and greed".

It is so important to keep your faith at an optimum level to resist the wiles of Lucifer and his minions.  Resist unnecessary reaction, that will drain your ability to remain calm under pressure.  Simply trust and obey - trust God's Word and obey God's day to day leading.  Consider this set of passage that bear a word-picture of God's plan of redemption and deliverance.  Be in the Word of God daily!

The subject of Matthew 24 is the terrible Day of the Lord (verse 42), we find the catching up of the faithful to a safe place.
Matthew 24:40 - "Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left."

Matthew 24:41 - "To women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left."

Matthew 24:42 - "Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming."  You know by now from all the information that I have made known about Rosh HaShanah that Jesus' words were an "idiomatic expression" that are related to the two-day event of Rosh HaShanah.  Differing interpretations of Scripture are rooted in the fact that different schools of hermeneutics and Biblical understanding are often poles apart.  This is further abrogated by the fact that all modern translations of the Bible since 1890 have been based upon a corrupted Wescott & Hort Greek text.  Those taught Greek in the last forty-seventy years have been using the corrupt Nestle-Aland Greek text, currently in its 27th edition, which is considered a carbon copy of the "Critical" Greek text of heretics Westcott & Hort.

I make no apology for my position regarding the KJV Bible.  The Masoretic Text (Hebrew O.T.) and the Stephanos Text (Greek N.T.), were the basis for the King James Bible translators.  I have stated and shared the sources of the facts concerning the KJV Bible and that it is 98.2% accurate, and the 1.8% portion does not affect or change the Biblical text or meaning of the message.  In my posts here at Five Doves of August 17th, I shared the evidence of the "Heptadic" Structural Design Feature.  Modern day theologians play dumb if you ask them about the "Heptadic" Feature that exists in the text of the KJV Bible.  It isn't necessary to go into the reasons they do not want to talk about God's method of validating or confirming that the KJV Bible is the True Bible.  God is mathematical in his attributes.  Mathematics is by definition the only "pure" science, and so it is fully replicable in every respect.  The greatest support for the Biblical accuracy of the KJV Bible today, comes from, all places, the mathematical disciplines, not the Church, and certainly not the theological community.  The Gnostic writers, including the works of the Apocryphal writings, which are considered spurious have been tested to see if any of them contain the "Heptadic" Design Feature, and have merely served as perfunctory distraction away from truth of the KJV Bible.  

I choose not to debate certain individuals on this sight so as not to distract the reader from the more important "diamonds and nuggets" of the Bible.  My point here is to highlight God's truth and the evidence that confirms the KJV Bible is the genuine Word of God.  All other modern day, so-called translations, have been done for "profit" purposes.  And furthermore, even more important, they have been done using a corrupted "critical" Greek text.  Keep the heretical names of Wescott & Hort fresh in your memory.  Wescott & Hort were carrying water for the Vatican when they tampered with the Biblical Greek text.  I know that I have noted in another post or two how sly and deceptive they were in going about re-writing a 'New Greek Text' of the Bible.  Rome did not give us the Bible, they gave the world a fraudulent counterfeit substitute.  They have counted on time to pass by and that old preachers like myself will vanish into oblivion and then Rome can bring about its New Bible for the World.  You can practice Acts 17:11, and do your own research on the corrupted "Critical Greek Text" of Wescott & Hort. You will find the truth of this corrupt pair of Satanic heretics.  They are among the false prophets and false teachers for which the Apostle Paul wrote, "There would arise false gospels and false epistles" -(2nd Thessalonians 2:2, also written by Peter in 2nd Peter 2:1-3).  Their early beginnings are referred to in the New Testament, in such places as -(Galatians 1:6-8; 1st John 4:3; 2nd John 1:7; and Jude 1:3-4).  The likes of Wescott & Hort plagued the early church, but are still with us today, in modern cults, as well as the denominational and the Roman church.  Here follows another set of passage of the KJV Bible that present word-pictures conveying the message of deliverance or Rapture.   

Jesus called His disciples to immediately "come away" to a safe place - there is no way or no time to eat in Matthew 24.
Mark 6:31 - "And He "said to them, "Truly I say unto you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power." 

Mark 9:2  - "Six days later, Jesus "took with Him Peter and James and John, and "brought them up on a high mountain by themselves.  After this He was transfigured before them;"

Luke 2:9 - "And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened."  Over the years, I have attended lots of pastor retreats, led by dynamic speakers, in fact, a yearly pastor's retreat was a given in the United Methodist Church, and the inspiring messages may have only lasted a few weeks; however. the mountain-top experience of the 'Transfiguration' was intended to give those present, an experience that would sustain them for the rest of their earthly lives.

Speaking of Jesus' "departure" to heaven is always a reference to being "caught up" or "Harpazo".
Luke 9:31 - "Who, appearing in glory, were speaking of His departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem."  The "transfiguration" event would forever change their lives as to how they viewed their worldview in light of their "heavenly" experience.

Luke 13:29 - "And they will come from east and west and from north and south, and will recline at the table in the kingdom of God."  The implications of this passage speaks to the global event which we understand to be the "Harpazo" or Rapture and I might add, very few of us can fully comprehend the implications of such an memorable event.  Humanity today has never experienced anything like what the Scriptures speak in terms of like "in the twinkling of an eye".  The event will be a pivotal moment for unbelievers and particularly the Jewish people.  Just picture and think upon how those outside of the Ark about those near the Ark; as the rains began to fall, were probably like protestors at some rally, waving their hands and arms, and, wanting to board the Ark with Noah's family.  Their cries to be permitted to board most likely turned to cursings and railings against the God of Heaven as the Ark began to rise with the oncoming lifting of the waters.  

It appears in these verses the "catching up" or "Harpazo" or "calling up" will occur on the day the destruction begins - the Day of the LORD!.  Pentecostal preacher, Hilton Sutton has a favorite saying, "When the bombs are descending, the saints will be ascending."  There are strong indicators that could just be the case this September 24-26th, on Rosh HaShanah.  NATO, the EU, and many American politicians want to begin a war with Russia, and they have been trying to pick a fight with Vladimir Putin, for several months, to no avail, so they can say "He started it!"

Luke 17:27 - "They were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all."

Luke 17:34 - "I tell you, on that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other will be left."

Luke 17:35 - "There will be two women grinding at the same place; one will be taken and the other left."

Luke 17:36 - "Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other will be left."

Those who trust in the LORD will not perish (in the Day of the LORD).
John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."  I have been doing, for several years, a study on the expression of "the Day of the Lord".  For the longest time, I was undecided as to the precise timing of the event.  As late as 2002, I began to take every verse where the phrase "Day of the Lord" is found, it occurs in 370 verses, but in the precise pattern word order, it is found only 23 times.  The collective evidence from my study is that the the Day of the Lord and the Pre-Tribulation Rapture will be so close together, and perhaps even impossible for us to differentiate between. 

Related to the ten virgins who were to be ready when the bridegroom unexpectedly came for them...
John 3:29 - "He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice.  So this joy of mine has been made full."
The last word of the passage is also translated to be made complete, with a strong element of exclusivity or totality.  Christians are filled with the Spirit of joy, peace, and knowledge.  This fullness shapes their entire way of living. 

Are you living a life of imminent expectation?  If you are you don't have time to be thinking about earthly survival, or food buckets, but watching, waiting, and sharing the precious truths revealed to us and to share with as many people as possible. Sports and entertainment ought not be the focus of the child of God.  My observations lead me to believe that very few have an eternal outlook today. 

May you be at work on your Combat Faith!

Pastor Bob