Melissa Costa (24 Aug 2014)


For many years, I have been a born again Christian, I have also come to believe in the Rapture of the Church.  That being said, I do not disparage those who disagree with this as it is not a "deal breaker" for being a Christian.  What bothers me the most about those who disparage pre-trib rapture believers (our fellow Christians) is the way they ASSUME that we are spending all of our time "looking up" and not doing God's work and bearing His fruit in THIS world.  I think everyone on this forum would agree that we are not bench warmers sitting here just waiting. I know that I am active for the Lord every day.

So it was with considerable concern when I read on this forum, one of our own disparaging those rapture believers who believe His Coming will be on "a" Rosh Hashannah.  We don't know which one.  The comment made was that we will just "sit around" until the next Rosh Hashannah.  Those are the same words we experience every day from our fellow Christians who do not believe in the Rapture at all.

Belief in Christ as the Son of God and God Himself, Our Savior, who died on the cross to pay for MY SINS and rose again defeating death PROVING HE is WHO HE SAID HE IS, that He is the ONLY WAY to the FATHER, that is what we all hold as the central tenet of our belief as Christians.

The time is swiftly coming when "christians" will be fighting "Christians".   The apostasy in our mainline churches is already prevalent.  Please my sisters and brothers in Christ, do not disparage fellow believers and ASSUME they will "sit around waiting" for a particular day when you, who also believe in the Rapture are not "sitting around waiting".  Be kind and be loving to those who disagree with the minor points as long as they are on the straight and narrow path which is the core tenet of our faith.
