JMS (24 Aug 2014)
"In evil times like this, REMEMBER: there still are two DIFFERENT EVENTS: who will happen !!!"

It is time now, to open our Bibles and read what it really say will happen. And try to understand what Jesus, and the apostle Peter and Jacob say for this endtime.

In ACTs Jacob spoke to his brother's in Christ in Jerusalem, saying in chpt 15: 13-18.v. - First !


FIRST. - (the fulfilment of time for christanity) - - - and THEN. - (it is the time for Israel)

also read in Romans chpt.11:25-29.v. - - - is there a time-interval between those two events ?

and remember the words from apostle Peter in ACT. chpt 3:17-23.v. - and the words from Jesus to the roman officer in Matthew 8:10.12.v. and Jesus promisses to us in John 14:1-3.v.

All Praise and Glory to our Great Almighty God, and to the wonderful Save and Redemption-plan of his, for us, and to our Lord Jesus Christ totaly fulfilling Gods plan on the cross on Golgatha.

May we all be cleaned and protected under the blood of the chosen lamb of Gods, - Jesus Christ, and have a blessed future in the love from Jesus Christ, our Lord and Love.......jms
