Frank Molver (31 Aug 2014)
"Christian dream of Obama sworn in after head wound"
Very interesting, we have had a lot of strange dreams of Obama over the years.
I have shared before that he did participate in a witchcraft ceremony with Michelle prior to him being elected.
So you see, your vision many not be far off.
Do you remember the article of many Shamans in South America praying  for him to be elected?
The info I share is from a Missionary to the area in which Obama held this ceremony in Kenya
There was a whitch there that became so frightened during the ceremony that she went to a local pastor who has many churches and orphanages in that area.
He also worked with my missionary friend
They actually took her out of Africa to our area near Seattle.
They took here to a prayer ranch and she went thru a 3 day deliverance that was very dramatic.
So you see, I and some others have no probleme with your vision and suspicion of who Obama may be.
Political dream: Obama, the antichrist, being sworn in, not the Bible, fatal wound??!!!!!

I was at an outside-night time, very nice political party with Hilary Clinton, people walking around in nice clothes, lights shining, nice night. I talked to noone, just looking/watching. And then everything just goes pitch black and I am in another scene of the dream. (In these dreams I don't know if I am male or female I just know I am important enough to be there)
(the scene: Older house as in the back woods and lots of back woods people are out in front of the house, watching.. I am not sure if they are yelling good or bad things) I was more focused on what was going on in front of me.
I am standing on the porch of a house with Obama and some kind of priest, Obama is facing the priest and I am standing watching inbetween but back from them. Obama lays his hand on this book, it is not the Holy Bible, but something else, it has a symbol on it I do not recognise, he is being sworn in. As soon as Obama is sworn in as I am looking at his face it goes almost like a blank look and my spirit is showing me some kind of tranferrance.. Obama from being his self to being the antichrist!I step away from them and look at the heavens/the sky and I am saying Jesus is coming soon! It's not long , its time! (I can feel how close! I am very excited!) I think I have the book in my hands they were holding and I say " Praise man, not God!" and my spirit says No! I was wondering why I would say that and very definatly say "Praise God! Not man!
Next (ofcourse I am scared after seeing the Obama thing so I want to get out of there) I climb down to the side of the porch to hide (hoping they don't see me) as I am siting hiding there I hear the other guy/priest say, He (obama) has a fatal wound, he has a fatal wound... the guy/priest and Obama reach for me there to pull me back up on the porch and although they are saying Obama has a fatal wound, he is still ok. (like he was stabbed/shot or whatever but he is ok from it).
I have never had a political dream like this. To me it was very strange... I was so close to Obama I could see his face so clearly... and when I said the part about Jesus coming soon... it was like There is no time left.. I mean it was so urgent!!!!!!!!!! And since then I have had another one of Jesus coming and WOW... it was the same!!! To try and explain how close would be.. like saying not an inch, but a hair away!!!!!!

~ Out of the Mouth speaks the Heart,
And in the Eyes show the Soul! ~

God Bless,