Phil (15 Aug 2013)
"Schapelle Corby"

John and Doves,
There are confirmed reports that the Indonesian authorities may be releasing Australian Schapelle Corby from jail very soon
and that she will be given parole and be living with her sister in Bali.
Schapelle was jailed on 27/5/2005 for 20 years for importing 9.3 lbs marijuahna in her body board bag at Bali airport.
Let's say she will be released on parole on 27/8/2013, about 2 weeks away.
If so, this will give us a 99 month gap almost certainly signalling a planned operation from the start as some have always said.
99 = 9 x 11 or 33+33+33.
It has been reported that Schapelle came to the Lord while in prison. Let us all say a prayer for her as the way in which she
has been treated is dreadful.
Keep tuned and keep looking up,