Nancy Harbour (15 Aug 2013)
"The Two State "Solution""

Secretary of State John Kerry announced Tuesday, July 30th, that the two state solution for Israel is to be implemented in 9 months.  This projected date could occur in April or May of 2014.


On September 3rd, 1947, the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry reported to the General Assembly of the United Nations regarding the creation of the state of Israel.  66.6 years later is in the time frame of the projected date.


The Order of the Garter habits were first issued in the autumn of 1348.  666 years later is 2014.


Iyar 5, 5708 was the birth of the nation of Israel on May 14, 1948.  Iyar 5 in 2014 is May 5, 2014.  That would make an interesting date for two state day!


If any date is peace and safety day, the two state day is a good candidate.  Will it be sudden destruction?