Michael Colunga (15 Aug 2013)
"RE:  Was Jupiter the star that the Magi followed?  [jfh - 10 Aug 2013 - "After Tabernacles signs in the Heavens !!!"]"

Hello, John and Doves,
For a thorough, "case closed" determination of just what was the "Star of Bethlehem,"
please consult http://www.bethlehemstar.net/.
jfh (10 Aug 2013)
"After Tabernacles signs in the Heavens !!!"


 Year  Month  Day  Hour  Minute
Rev. 12:1 "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: "
On October 6, 2013 the heavens will look like this.  Also the Bethlehem star, which I think is Jupiter the king planet, will be in Gemini the twins.  Jupiter appears in the same constellation every 12th year and this is the month that the Sun is in Virgo at the same time right after Tabernacles on the Hebrew calendar. Does that seem significant to anyone?  The new moon is October 5. Jupiter visits all 12 constellation during the year and stays there for the ca full year starting end of May 2013 till June 2014.
Well, I thought this was interesting.  Was Jupiter the star that the Magi followed?  jfh